Chapter 4

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The next day was a Saturday so Hermione tried to sleep in a little more but her stomach refused to cooperate. She jumped out of bed, threw open the door and ran to the bathroom. She barely made it in time to throw up in the toilet.

"Hermione, you okay?" Parvati asked. Hermione finished throwing up then wiped her mouth on some toilet paper.

"My body is being invade by a human being so no I'm not alright." She snapped.

"Hang in there Mione" she said before leaving. Hermione wanted to go after her and tell her off but another wave a nausea hit her and she knew she wasn't going to be leaving to make breakfast nor did she want it at that moment. Just at that moment someone ran in the room went into the stall next to hers and threw up. After minute later she heard Ginny's voice.

"Bloody hell, I hate my life"

"Me too" Hermione said.

"When I see that bloody bastard I'm going to give him a quick kick in the gut." She said.

"Same here" Hermione respond before flushing the toilet. She stood and wiped her mouth before leaving a heaving Ginny in the bathroom. She went back into her room and grabbed a towel and her toothbrush and toothpaste before heading to the shower. After she was showered and clothed and her breath didn't smell like she had been throwing up, she checked on Ginny who had finished throwing up and was now getting ready to take a shower.

"Draco and I are going to Hogmede do you want to come?" She asked.

"Sure I will meet you outside of the Great Hall." She said. Hermione nodded before heading downstairs. As she entered the common room she was almost ran over by Ron.

"Slow down you almost ran me over." She snapped.

"Sorry Mione, I was suppose to meet Pansy to talk about the baby and I over slept I got to go bye." He said rushing out of the common room. Hermione left the common room and headed to the Great Hall. She entered to see Pansy ignoring Ron who was apologizing to her. She looked around for Draco and found him with Zabini  sitting a little ways away from Pansy. She went over to him and punched his arm.

"Ow what was that for?" He said rubbing his arm.

"I hate you right now." She said.

"What did I do?" He asked.

"You got me pregnant which makes me throw up and my boobs grow!" She said. Draco looked down at her boobs which made Hermione slap the back of his head. Blaise chuckled making her gaze go to him.

"Zabini, I wouldn't be smiling cause Ginny was with me in the bathroom doing the same thing and she wanted to kick you instead of hit you." Blaise  dropped his smile and looked at the entrance.

"Crap" he said as Ginny entered the Great Hall. He stood up and headed for her. Hermione watched as Ginny glared at him. She then turned back to Draco who was watching Ginny give Blaise a piece of her mind.

"I wish I could punch you in your perfect little face." She said making him look at her with a smile.

"I'm sorry babe" he said standing up and hugging her.

"Let's go to Hogsmede I need to go shopping." She said. They headed over to where Blaise and Ginny were standing to see Pansy and Ron were joining them. They all head over to Hogsmede where they shopped for treats before going to Honeydukes. The boys waited at the counter for the sodas while the girls found a big table.

"I really hope my whole pregnancy isn't me running to the bathroom to puke and being tired all the time and these horrible mood swings." Ginny said.

"I don't have that I just have really sore breast, weird cravings, cramps and I have to pee a lot ." Pansy said.

"I have nausea, mood swings and breast tenderness." Hermione said.

"I have what Ginny has" Luna said sitting down next to Pansy.

"Hey Luna" Hermione said.

"Wait a minute you have mood swings?" Ginny said. "You are the calmest person I know."

"I don't get angry I just get frustrated." She said as the boys came back with their drinks. They sat down next to their partners.

"Have you guys started to read the book McGonagall gave us?" Harry asked.

"Blaise and I started reading it this morning." Draco said.

"You have?" Hermione turned to him shocked.

"Yeah, we are reading about the first month it's said to be the hardest month." Draco said.

"I read that too" Ron said.

"I'm surprised that you didn't make Pansy read it all by herself." Ginny said.

"We are reading it together." Ron said.

"Has anyone told their parents?" Luna asked unexpectedly.

"Since we are minors they had to sign and agreement so they know but they don't know who our partners are." Ginny said. Hermione looked at Draco worriedly.

"Don't worry I stopped caring what they thought a long time ago" he said. Hermione really hoped that was true.

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