As he walked, he greeted and waved at the hard working citizens in the market district, each of them trying to sell their items. A few merchants were also out and about, they also trying to earn coin by selling their own wares.

"Good morning Mizukage-sama." greeted a shopkeeper. "May I offer you a piece of freshly baked bread? Something nice and warm for this cool morning." offered the baker.

"It is a good morning and no thank you, sell that to your patrons." Yagura declined the freebie.

He continued walking around before he left the district and decided to head over to see one of the more prominent clans in his village, the Terumī clan.

He was an old friend of the clan patriarch, the two of them had been on the same team during the 2nd war. Time and circumstances drifted them apart, he of course had been getting groomed for his position, while his friend had been clan leader and a husband.

Not being able to make it to his wedding nor to see the birth of his firstborn child, a daughter if he recalled correctly, he had sent his apologies. The man understood of course, it didn't make him feel any better but he understood, he was heading over now because the man had told him some very surprising and good news.

His seven year old daughter, Mei, had been born very gifted. Yagura had been informed of the girl and her two bloodlines, which had only manifested a few months ago. He was glad he was informed of this since it meant she would become a very strong shinobi and do well for the future of this village.

Aside from Konoha, they were the only other village with so many clans that held bloodlines...


Yagura' musing had been cut short when he had suddenly heard an order barked.

"Again, boy!"

The young Kage turned his attention towards the rising voice and could see two people in one of the open training grounds. He frowned when he noticed who it was giving orders, or more precisely, he frowned when he saw what clan one of the people in the field was from.

The Kaguya clan.

To him, there had always been something unhinged within said clan, they would fight fiercely for you one minute and then stab you in the back the next. Whenever he issued orders, he could the loathing and contempt they had for him and his orders, their blood just wouldn't allow them to bow to anyone.

It was a self destructing nature that would only end terribly for them.

"Your going to be our ultimate weapon, with the blood flowing through your veins and your other special abilities." he looked at the boy wary when he mentioned ability. "Your going to make us the most feared clan in the world."

Now this piqued the Kage' interest, they must have a very promising youth if they are putting this much pressure on him. What he expected to see was different from what he actually came across, instead of seeing a teen or even a pre-teen, he saw a mere child getting beaten by his trainer. He looked no older than five.

The boy himself was unique looking, especially for this clan. He had their crimson birthmarks atop his brow but his hair was also crimson. His skin was a shade tanner, not by much, than his clansmen but he did inherit their green eyes and masculine facial features.

His body could no longer hold under the so called training and the boy collapsed to the ground. The Mizukage watched as the adult clan member spat at the boy and left him, obviously not going to bother to heal him.

Yagura sighed as he watched the man walk off, he walked over to the downed boy and began to heal him with what he knew. Most likely the boy was just exhausted, so no real treatment was needed.

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