Rose Jack b Tommy Benjamin and Fabrizo saved by life boat Rose and Ruth reunion

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After 30 minutes in the sea after the Titanic sank Rose Jack Tommy Fabrizo Benjamin heart Eva Anne Marie who is 7 dad and Esther husband were saved by a life boat. But Esther died last night as she one of the people who died on the ship and Benjamin puts eva on the boat with Ruth and Molly her 20 minutes after losing Esther. Before anything happens to Eva. And most people are saved too but some died. Whilst on another ship. Helga is crying for Fabrizo life as she is so in love with Fabrizo and she really wanted to be in a relationship with him when she gets to know him better and get the life boat with with him but her parents wouldn't let her be in a relationship with him or get a life boat with him because her last boyfriend abused and cheated on her but they really like Fabrizo alot and she fancies him like mad. And Helga is praying he is still alive. And Eva is crying as she lost her mum last night and she dosent know if her dad is alive and she praying he'll be alive and she can rember the last word he said after she asked him to get in the boat after placing her on Molly's knee goodbye for now only for a little while they'll be another boat for daddy's and you be a good little girl and stay with Molly until myself or Thomas arrived. And they are being comfort by thomas Andrews. Fabrizo is so in love and fancies her too he was so upset leaving her last night because he worries about if he'll see her again Then Benjamin Rose Jack Tommy and Fabrizo arrived at the ship. Daddy shouted as she cries. Soon Thomas got Benjamin out. Oh my god Eva said Benjamin as he cries. Then Thomas got Fabrizo out so the love bird's can reunite. And they couldn't stop kissing and cuddling. And Andrews gave the other 4 a cuddle. And said his sympathy to Benjamin about his wife's death. I thought I would never see you again as Helga cries. I thought I would never see you ever again eather as Fabrizo cries. We are together again now I love you so much Fabrizo I can't bare to loose you ever again said Helga. I love you so much too I can't bare to loose you ever again either said Fabuzo as they share as long kiss. Then Helga gave the 4 of them a cuddle. And she also said her sympathy to Benjamin too. Whilst Thomas gave Fabrizo a cuddle. Then they went to get warm inside the ship by the fire in the living m room. And have hot chocolate and marshmallows together. And Hilga is sat on Fabrizo knee. Whilst Eva is sat on Benjamin knee reading her a story. Then Ruth arrived and she greated Rose. Then she took Rose and Jack to her room as she wants to apologies to them. As she now knows the truth about cal now as been abusing Rose and Ruth did used to like Cal until she now found out he been abusing Rose after thomas andrews showed her CCTV camera of how Cal treated Rose and she did wanted Rose to marry Cal too and now she understand the reason why Rose loves Jack over Cal Jack and Rose are staying friends at the moment too until they get to know each other better before getting in to a relationship and Ruth didn't like Jack at first but now she knows she knows Rose loves him more than Cal and she wanted to get yo know Jack better.  And Jack and Rose are so happy that Ruth finally knows they love each other and they are just friends too until they get to know each other better and they love and fancy each other Carl can't go out without staff now so he wouldn't hurt Rose. Whilst Helgas parents are having coffee and tea with Fabrizo at the cafe and her parents both apologise to Fabrizo and they want to get to know him better and they know Helga loves him and they also explained why they didn't want there daughter get a life boat and get in a relationship with him at the first place. And Fabrizo forgave them and he explained he never cheat or abuse Helga because he loves her very much and all he wants to do is be with her. Then they went outside where Hilga is sleeping on the bench as she didn't get much sleep last night because of her worry about Fabrizo and Fabrizo carried her to her room. And he tucked her in and gave her a good night kiss I'll take you to the dance tonight sweetheart said Fabrizo. Then he went to his room to sleep as he didn't get much sleep eather.

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