Chapter 2 The Greeting

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He looks at you your in a black jacket with a white shirt under and a black half mini skirt with black heels 4 inchs high you walk up to him and unlocks his chains giving him something to eat "enjoy usually the staff would give .....pacients under watch crap so i took the liberty to make it myself when i made myself lunch...." you say firmly but sweet "t...thanks your the first person thats been nice to me here" he says softly "im not like the other agents im not crule and let my patients go through hell going insane and possibly never leave so luckily you were asigned me so i hope you dont mind me doing a check-up" you say a cart of medical supplies besides you Saeyoung gives a scared face "please say you know how to use that" he says in a shaky voice "of course i do" she walks up to him and injects a needle getting blood samples from him then injecting a shot and checked his heaet rate "all right im all done" she smiles sweetly "ill be right back with your dinner" you walks away saeyoung laying on the bed you come back 30 minutes later and place it down on a table for him "enjoy" you ruffles into your bag and grab a riceball saeyoung eats behind you he stares at you "shes been so nice to me unlike the rest have for the past week but why...ehy her of all staff here why am i so captivated by her smile" saeyoung  thinks to himself "hmm..." he looks at you, you turn around your riceball in your mouth and hands and some rice on your face he gives a chuckle "you have rice on your face" he says "i do?" You swipe it off and smile giving a giggle "guess i did" saeyoungs cheeks give a slight red smiling back at you the day ends and he goes to bed you walk home making shes hes chained up and cant get out you walk home and go to bed waiting for the next day to approach it seemed more like a hangout with a friend than a job you slowly drift asleep your pet (cat or dog) lays its head on you and your out like a light

Hope you enjoyed chapter 2 i hope i can post tommarow and next week sence im going on a trip with family i will trt my best to stay updated! Love you all and thanks for the support!

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