Yet, the second he started to believe that perhaps for a change of events Kyra would remain civil ; all hell seemed to have broken loose before her.

     As Ronnie shouted, Shinsuke had followed behind Kevin and Fandango who crept up behind a massive rock to get a closer look at the commotion.


Mattias cheered, having pinned Ronnie's arms as he held him back  A smirk crept on in Fandango's face that matched Kevin's own excitement as he mumbled something their view being better than anything on television.

  ❝What are you doing? Let me go!❞ Ronnie continued to cry out as Mattias only better adjusted his vise-like grip. ❝Hey Matt, you're a beautiful dude and all, but I don't appreciate your front junk so close to my back trunk.❞

     Ronnie had shouted, pointing out Mattias's body that was pretty much pressed up to him, tightly—❝Oh, but you're okay with your junk all over Adrienne?❞

    Mattias questioned as Kyra only ran a hand over her face.  ❝Do you really think a shitty apology like that will do?❞ Mattias lastly snickered as Ronnie finally fell still, realizing that he was right.

    Kyra was violent, but would she strike her own friends? ❝For a million dollars, she'd do it on a heartbeat.❞ Ronnie thought to himself, taking in a deep breath as Mattias began to once again rile a shit-storm.

    ❝C'mon Kyra, sock him in the face or deck him in the nuts!❞ Kevin then shouted, exposing himself as he stepped away from the boulder's protection with a cheery wave at his new found, favorite resident hot-head of NXT. ❝Or both!❞  Dango joined in, also moving away to stand beside Kevin as he sent a flirty wink at Mattias that didn't let it go by unnoticed despite holding Ronnie back.

     Kyra blinked, glancing at Mattias who apparently excelled in multitasking as he still held Ronnie's arms pinned back, while taking turns to shoot suggestive facial expressions at Dango and also encourage her to strike with aggression

    For a whole minute, Kyra glanced back and forth between both her blonde and brunette Canadian friends, one diabolical and the other a saint begging for mercy all the while noticing Shinsuke having stepped in between Kevin and Fandango with hands on his hips and a quiet expression compared to that of Owens who flashed her a fist as if saying, ❝you know what to do.❞

   Hectic work environments she could deal with as her mind specialized in compartmentalizing priorities like improving in the ring and staying true to her gimmick's visions. But chaos among her friends? 

   Never in her life had Kyra boasted of having so many people around her to call friends, let alone be part of so many people's lives.

    For a long time, she avoided forming so many connections as her introverted ways always helped her excel in the musical composition career path she had chosen earlier on in life. Now however, Kyra wasn't pursing her musical composition aspirations as she had reached the ultimate honor of being an Orchestral leader at one point in New Japan.

      Her body, heart, mind, and soul were fully immersed into this new world of wrestling, and without ever seeking attention, she caught the interest of a few that then somehow actually liked her enough and were deep down inside, pure goodness.

   The only people Kyra could call best friends before having come to the WWE was her own cousin cousin Adrienne, and Tyson.

     From them, she learned that friends don't lie, and that true friends never get tired of one another's pointless drama. At the same time, her first days in Japan in which Kyra would eavesdrop on vapid conversations in coffee houses taught her a very valuable lesson about friendship. That lesson was that if one brings nothing but drama to the table,one shouldn't be surprised when everyone leaves. 

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