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"Danny, you've been ignoring Jorel, is everything okay?" George asked with a raised brow.  Danny shrugged, looking down at his notebook, staring blankly at the chicken scratch he scribbled down.  

"I'm mad at him," Danny admitted, slightly pouting.  

"Why?  What'd that fucker do?" George asked, sitting down next to Danny.  

"I think he's cheating on me," Danny sighed, tears prickling at his eyes.  

"Did you confront him?"  Danny shook his head.  

"Don't like conflict," he shrugged.  "Don't want to find out it's true and lose the best thing in my life."  Danny sighed heavily.  

"JOREL GET YOUR ASS IN HERE YOU FAG!" George boomed.  A rapid pitter patter filled the air as Jorel sprinted in.  

"What?  What's wrong?  What'd I do?  Whatever I did, I have proof I didn't do it...?" he questioned, leaning in the doorway.  

"You two gotta talk it out," George left the room abruptly.  Jorel glanced at him strangely, before sitting next to Danny.  Danny flinched and moved away from him.  

"Are you cheating on me?" Danny whispered.  

"Danny, I know you can talk louder than that," Jorel smiled, clearly oblivious.  

"Are you cheating on me Jorel?" Danny questioned, raising his voice.  

"Why would you think that?" Jorel replied.  "Why would I fucking throw away everything we have?"

"I dunno, so you're not?" 

"No, I'm not fucking cheating, but I'm a little pissed off that you would think that I would even think about kissing someone other than you," Jorel seethed.  

"I'm sorry!  Alright?  Everything in the whole damn universe is my fault!  I make all the mistakes in the universe, I'm a terrible person!" Danny retaliated.  

"C'mon Danny, why would I fucking cheat on you?  Give me one good reason."

"You kissed a girl once, I brought it up and you said it was nothing," Danny stated.  "You come home late.  The guys sometimes don't know where you are.  You disappear for hours at a time."  

"I'm a grown ass man, I don't have a curfew." 

"This is LA Jorel!  Things happen to people, especially at night!"  

"Sorry, I just wanted some space!  Sorry, I needed some room from you smothering me!" Jorel shouted, putting his vocals to good use.  Danny clenched his jaw and stormed past, knocking his shoulder against Jorel's roughly.  Jorel shut his eyes and sighed, turning and following Danny.  "Baby, I'm sorry, I fucked up," he attempted to apologize.  

"Leave me the fuck alone, Decker!  Go get that space you desperately needed, I'm going out!" Danny slammed the door behind him.  

"Is everything okay with you two?  We, uh, heard some shouting," Jordon asked hesitantly.  

"We had a fight-"

"No shit bro," Dylan snorted.  George elbowed him.  

"Let him finish," he grumbled.  

"We had a fight... I said some stuff I shouldn't have and he left," Jorel huffed, running a stressed hand through his hair.  

"You gotta go after him if you really love him, you fucktard," Jordon scoffed.  

"Yeah, go get your lover boy," George supported, pinching Jordon.  

"Woot woot, J-pupper gonna get some!" Dylan whooped, lighting a blunt.  Jorel rushed out and looked around.  He sprinted down the street, hoping and praying that he would find his boy.  

Danny strolled down the street, hot angry tears streaming down his cheeks.  He angrily wiped them away with a tattooed hand.  "Stupid Jorel!  Stupid feelings, god-fucking-dammit," he cursed.  As if reflecting off his mood, rain softly fell.  Los Angeles, the City of Flowers and Sunshine, was raining.  "Fucking perfect... just like him."  Danny huffed angrily.  He spun around and punched the wall with a forced groan.  Sniffling, Danny rested his forehead against the wall.  Maybe he'll cool off at the studio and I can go home and go to sleep before I have to deal with him in the morning.  He picked up his feet, slowly making his way back to their shared apartment.  His hand hurt like hell, but Danny didn't care.  He just wanted to go home, maybe drink a few beers and go to sleep before Jorel got home.  The rain soaked through his denim jacket and was starting to soak his shirt.  His jeans and sneakers drenched.  Danny was sure he would most likely catch a cold.  

He reached his apartment complex, slowly walking up and unlocking the door.  As soon as he pushed the door out of his way, arms wrapped around him pulling him in.  He closed the door, slightly taken back.  He inhaled Jorel's scent, a mixture of cologne and his shampoo-well, Danny's shampoo.  Danny gasped as Jorel buried his face in his neck.  "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I fucked up, I know that, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry," Jorel rambled, sounding nasally.  

"Were you... crying?" Danny lifted Jorel's head and stared into red, watery eyes.  Jorel grabbed his hand, letting go when Danny winced.  

"Danny!  What'd you do to your hand?" Jorel fretted.  

"I was mad at you, so I punched a wall."  

"Well, I hope you apologized to the wall," Jorel smiled, despite the tears.  Danny wrapped his uninjured hand around the nape of Jorel's neck, pulling him in for a sweet kiss. 

"I forgive you," he murmured against the Italian's lips.  The kiss escalated quickly.  Soon, Danny found himself pinned against Jorel and the door.  "Jorel," he mumbled.  "There's something in your pocket, it's pressing against my soaked jeans."  Confusion flashed in Jorel's eyes as he pulled away.  Suddenly he remembered what it was and blushed heavily.  

"I was gonna plan this out better and do this on tour, but no time like the present," Jorel blushed.  He dropped to one knee and pulled out a small, velvet box.  Danny gaped.  

"Jorel I-"

"Wait... let me finish before I lose my train of thought."  Danny fell silent, a smile gracing his plush lips.  "I know we fought earlier and I know I fucked up.  I know it's not the first and it won't be the last.  But you are worth everything in my life, I love you with all my heart, soul and mind.  I look at you and I see my future.  Danny Murillo Rose... will you do me the great, great honor, of taking me as your husband?" Jorel finished, worrying at his lip nervously.  

Danny was speechless.  He nodded, not trusting his voice to say what he needed to say.  Jorel slid the ring on his finger, and stood up, pulling him in for another kiss.  "How about we put some ice on that hand, enjoy some beer and watch some movies, maybe fall asleep on the couch?" Jorel whispered.  

"Yeah... that sounds good," Danny agreed, walking hand in hand with his new fiancé.  

"I love you, go change, I'll get the ice pack and movies."  

"Wait why?"

"Danny, you're trailing water all over the place, you goof."

"...Yeah... I'll go change."    

*as you can see........... I really, really ship Derillo no shame*

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