Chapter 8 Elijah

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Walking down the stairs, I could only imagine what kind of shape Sam was in. Last night after Mr. Whyte had his fill, I saw just how spent he was in his afterglow. Being late and ready for bed myself, I only asked for a quick debrief before discharging him for the night.

Meeting up with Joseph as he reached Sam's door with her breakfast and from what I was told, much needed medical supplies. I took the tray and sent Joseph off on other errands. Opening the door, I saw Sam curled up on the bed motionless. Using my heightened senses, I could hear her breathing and heart beating at a healthy rate.

Putting on my game face I walked out of the shadows, clearing my throat subtly so not to startle her. "Morning Sam," I kept my voice soft and nonthreatening. Seeing her stiffen before moving very slowly to a sitting position, I had a clear view on just how much fun Mr. Whyte had.

Bottom lip swollen and split, right side of her face turning a nasty shade of blue, a shallow superficial cut on her neck, and many bite marks on her arms, breasts, stomach and inner thighs. "Oh Sam," I said in horror looking over what I could see of her body.

Glaring at him through hooded eyes, body tense, she slurred out through her swollen lips, "What do you want?"

Even with what she endured, and the pain I knew she was in, she still had fight in her. Placing the tray on the bedside chair and crouching in front of her, I said in a hush tone, "I'm going to run you a bath, you need to clean up those abrasions so they don't get infected." I stood and went for the bathroom.

"And if I refuse? Are you going to knock me out and do it yourself?" she tried to keep her voice strong but it wavered with fear.

Coming out of the bathroom a few minutes later, walking slowly towards her, but leaving plenty of space so not to crowd her. Shaking my head I said, "No Sam. Please get into the bath, I left the soaps in there for you and while you are cleaning up I will put new sheet on your bed." I moved closer towards the door giving her plenty of room to move freely.

Watching me closely for a few minutes, not sure what to make of my kindness, Sam stood stiffly and sluggishly moved into the bathroom. When I heard the water splash as she climbed in, then and only then did I move. Keeping my word, I changed the blood soaked sheets and even dragged in a much thicker and more comfortable mattress in hopes to build her trust with me.

New bed made up with clean crisp sheets, I heard the water drain. A few minutes go by and no movement from the bathroom, only the sound of her breathing, I spoke out for the first time since she headed to the bathroom, "Um Sam, is everything alright?" my voice laced with concern.

"Fine," she said, voice seeming to be stronger, "Stupid question, but can I have a towel?"

Keeping my smile out of my voice, Mr. Whyte didn't come close to breaking her at all. She was stronger than I thought. Clearing my throat, "Of course, I'm sorry. I forget how you humans feel the cold when we run so hot." Taking the towel I purposely didn't leave for her, I walked to the door, turned my head to give her privacy to stand up, and held the towel out so she could wrap herself with it.

Her movements were slow with pain and caution. Making it out of the tub, keeping from making any pain noise, she gently took the towel from my hand. Moving out of her way so she could pass, she stopped when she saw the mattress and looked back at him. "What's that?" she asked suspiciously.

Lowering my head, I shrugged my shoulders, "I wasn't told I could not bring something more suitable for you to sleep on and with..." gesturing to her beaten body, "I thought you might like it," I answered sheepishly.

I could feel her eyes on me. She was debating if she should, could trust me. A few heart beats later she mumbled, "Thank you."

Giving her a curt nod I looked up slowly, her back was covered in black and blue marks and even more bite marks, I cleared my throat, "Um Sam? I brought in some cream that will help with your wounds...and I know the last thing you want is for any of us to touch you, but you have a few nasty bite marks on your back that need tending to."

Sam swung around to face me as she continued to move away, eyes widened, breathing quickened as the fear pours out of her. Taking a step back, raising my hands, showing her I meant no harm. "I'm sorry Sam, but I cannot leave the medicine in here with you. Just as the mattress, I was not told I couldn't help you, but I rather leave no evidence that I did. The cream will prevent infection, help you heal faster, a lot faster, and it will numb the pain." All what I said was the truth, and I could see in her eyes that she knew it was just that. The truth. Not that it mattered. I could lie and everyone around him would think it was the truth. Only a rare few could see past my deceit. Sam was not one of them.

Her turn to give a curt nod before sitting tautly at the edge of the bed, I took the tub of cream and slowly walked to her side to take a better look at the artwork Mr. Whyte left behind. "Ok. This may be a bit on the cool side," I said before dabbing the cream on the closest bit mark.

Proving just how tough and strong she was, Sam didn't even flinch when I touch her skin. Her body was tense and I could clearly feel her struggle not to move under my touch. Never seeing the work in progress before, I was impressed at the clean marks Mr. Whyte left. With her back to me I was able to admire his skill and patience of the few cuts on her back were done with precision. Keeping my touch light and hasty, I waited silently and patiently for her to speak up first.

"Why are you here, helping me?" she asked unsure.

Lowering my voice to a whisper, "I don't agree on how you are being treated. And right now this is all I can do to help. My Alpha is very strong, so all I can do as I am told or in this instant do as I was not told."

Looking over her shoulder, meeting my eyes she hesitates, but finally asked, "Why do you stay? Why don't you find another pack? A healthy pack," her voice as equally as soft.

Giving her a sad smile, I answered, "I am his second, and to start with another pack I would have to fight my way up. After you spend years fighting you grow tired of it. I am strong, really strong, but my Alpha is stronger and until I find a way to gain the power to beat him, I am stuck." Finished with her back I handed her the cream, "Here, I will not degrade you from reaching the spots you can reach."

Earning a smile, she took the cream and started with her thighs, "Thank you...What or when will you have enough power? And what happens when you do?"

"I...I...I think it's best if we not talk of this any longer," I walked away giving her space. "How is your back feeling?" I asked, changing the subject, not wanting to put all my cards on the table just yet.

"A lot better, thank you. This stuff is amazing," almost done with the rest of her wounds. Finishing, she passed the cream back, looking more relaxed. My goal accomplished, the trust was growing.

"Eat and I will try to come back to see you later. Joseph will pick up your tray shortly," I headed for the door.

"Thank you Elijah," her faint voice reached my ears as I headed out the door putting a smile on my face.


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