Donchard - cold

332 13 16

Dres P.O.V

I woke, once again, to the sound of duni shouting. I got up with an annoyed sigh and walked out of my room, shooting duni a glare. Ddawn was standing next to duni while dashlie stood at the other side of the room grumbling, her arms crossed. Don wasn't in the room, probably trying to ignore duni.

"Why did you wake us up so early?!" Dashlie asks, sounding pissed at being woken up so early "it's still dark out!" I glanced outside the window to see it still looked dark, probably about five AM. Duni looks around, ignoring dashlie. "where's don? Ni- I mean, dick! Go get don!" Duni demands. I glared at him "stop calling me that! And why me?!"

"Because I said so!" Duni says, hands on his hips. Wow the sass. Dashlie smirks "yeah, dick, go wake up your boyfriend!" She says as I give her a disgusted look "as if I would like him" I said before walking towards the small jesters room. I walked inside to see don on his bed, his hat covering his face. "Get up!" I shouted "duni's called a meeting, or whatever, come on!"

The only reaction I get from the jester is a few inaudible mutters as don pulls the hat over his face more. I rolled by eyes and walked to don, grabbing his hat. Don immediately jumps up, trying to grab it "my hat! Give me my hat!" He shouts, jumping to try to get it after I had reached my hand up high above his head "your not getting this back until you come to the main room, shorty." I said with a smirk. Don glares at me and walks out of the room, I follow him and toss him the hat once we get to the main room, which he immediately puts back on his head, looking annoyed and tired. How cute. Wait, what?

I frowned slightly, is it possible that I do like him? 'No. There's no way.' I think to myself, shaking away the thought and focusing on duni who had begun to explain why we were up so early. "Guess what?! I found out where uni and his friends are!" Duni says excitedly, while dashlie rolls her eyes. I crossed my arms and ask "so you woke us up early just so you could tell us that?!" I growled. Duni laughs "what? Of course not! I woke you because we're going to go see them!" He says, "now hurry up and get ready to go! We're leaving in ten minutes!" He says as the rest of us go grab whatever we'd need.

I walked back to my room, muttering about the stupid love-sick pug. I grabbed my sword and some milk before walking back to the main room. Duni was talking to ddawn and don was already back with his stuff. Dashlie walked out to join them a few seconds later then we left, I turn to look at the others as we walk out the door, seeing don yawn, and dashlie still looking pissed. Duni and ddawn where a couple feet ahead of us, talking to each other.

We continue walking behind them a bit, mostly in silence except for a few muttered complains. I had mostly ignored the others while I walked until I felt someone jump on my back. I quickly turned in surprise to see don clinging to my back, his eyes closed and looking half-asleep. "Don! Get off of me!" I growl, trying to force him off. Don refused to let go, still clinging to my back "no, I'm tired. Carry me." He says stubbornly and, after another minute of trying to get him off, I give up and let him have a piggyback ride as we walked, ignoring some teasing from dashlie.

We continue to walk, the oak forest slowly turning to turning to taiga as it started getting colder. At this point don was asleep on my back, and I was starting to see snow through the trees. "How much further!" Dashlie whines "where are we even going?!" Duni and ddawn slow down slightly to allow the rest of us to catch up before duni answers "we're going to some pirate town that I heard they were in!" Dashlie scoffs "pirates? Here?! It's too cold for there to be pirates! Don't you see the snow?!" I look around after she says that and, sure enough, there was a small layer of snow on the ground and there seemed to be more snow in the distance.

Duni shrugs "I don't know why it's out here, but it is" he says as he and ddawn speed up a bit to walk ahead of us again, leaving dashlie to mutter angrily to herself. I glanced back to see that Don was still asleep on my back, looking quite peaceful. I smile slightly and look forward again just in time to catch myself from tripping over a tree root. I hear dashlie laugh and turn to glare at her before continuing the walk in silence.

About an hour later, we had finally spotted the pirate town after walking up a small hill. I sigh in relief and drop don, who lands in the snow with a surprised Yelp "hey! what was that for?!" He says, standing up and brushing snow off of his clothes. "We're almost there, you can walk." I said, turning away from him to keep walking. Don huffed and followed me, muttering. We soon get to the town and stop outside of a building, duni telling us to stay outside while he talked to someone. Ddawn starts walking around, looking at stuff while dashlie stands off to the side, boredly looking at her nails. I was leaning back against the building while don sat nearby.

I found myself unconsciously staring at don until dashlie walks up to me "awe, isn't that cute! Your staring at your boooooyfrieeeend!" She teases, smirking. I glare at her "haha, very funny." I snap, annoyed "I still do not like him!" Out of the corner of my eye I see don look down sadly, though I'm not sure why. I shrug it off and focus on dashlie again, who continues to tease. She continues to tease me about don while I snapped back at her. Eventually we stop when ddawn walks up to us annoyed and tells us to shut up, which we do with a few muttered complaints, dashlie walking away several feet. It's only now that I realize don was gone, no longer sitting nearby. There were some footprints in the snow leading further into town, I assumed he had gone to look around the village.

The rest of us wait outside for about another hour before duni comes running out of the building "we've got to leave! Now!" He says, starting to run back to the forest. Dashlie and ddawn glance at each other before following, while I hesitate "dons still not back!" I say, and dashlie turns long enough to say "that's not our problem, come on!" I open my mouth to refuse before looking behind me to see an angry group of pirates running at us. With a curse I turn and run after the others, hopefully don would find us later.

We continue running until the pirates eventually tire and return back to town, at this point it had started to snow and it looked like a storm was coming. We hurried into a nearby cave to stay for the night. It was a small cave, only going into the hill several yards. Ddawn makes a small fire towards the back and we all sit against a wall of the cave, eating any food we had brought with us. I glanced out of the cave to see the storm starting to pick up, there was too much snow to make out anything past a tree next to the cave entrance. I bite my lip, wondering where don could be. I hoped he was safe, not that I cared or anything...

after a little bit, it had started to get really cold. At this point we were all huddled together for warmth, I was at the edge, unfortunately having to sit next to dashlie. I kept staring out of the cave, trying to see if I could spot anything. After a while I see a figure slowly approaching in the snow. I narrow my eyes to see what looked to be... "don?!" I shout, just as don collapses into the cave, shivering and a bit bloody. I jump up and run over to him while the others watch surprised, I checked him over, he had a few small cuts, mainly on his back. He also seemed to have a dislocated shoulder. The others had gotten up too and ddawn, without warning, reaches forward and jerks dons dislocated shoulder back into place, causing the small jester to let out a pained scream "w-what was that for!" Don shouts, glaring at ddawn. Ddawn just shrugs "it needed to be put back in place so i put it back in place." Don mutters a curse and stumbles towards the fire, sliding against the wall to sit down, wincing.

The rest of us go back to our spots around the fire while don explains what happened "I walked around for a few hours then came back and you all were gone. I saw a lot of footprints and followed them and then I found some angry pirates walking back, they saw me and started attacking, I tried to fight back but one of them messed up my sword arm and I couldn't fight." Don mutters a curse, seeming upset "so I had to run... the storm had gotten worse so I was able to lose them, then I saw a faint light in the distance and followed it here." He says, looking down. The others look at each other, shrugging "lets just get some rest, dres you can patch up Jon- I mean don" Duni says, earning a glare from don. I huffed "yeah, sure. Whatever." I say and start to clean up the cuts on dons back.

Once I was finished, I leaned back against the wall to get some sleep, trying to ignore how cold it was. After a few minutes, I felt someone move closer to me, shivering. I opened an eye to see a slightly embarrassed don "what-" I start to say before being interrupted by don "I'm cold." He says, moving closer to me. I rolled my eyes a bit annoyed, but wrapped an arm around him, pulling him against me. Don seems surprised, but shakes it off, resting his head on my chest. It doesn't take long for him to fall asleep, and as I look around I saw that I was the last asleep. I yawned and looked down at don, smiling slightly. He looked cute when he was asleep. i leaned down a bit to kiss his head before leaning back against the wall, falling asleep instantly. Maybe I did like the small jester. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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