K: Why, you can drool at Kameron the whole time. Pleaseee

Me: I don’t give a damn about Kameron and why in the hell would go to that party with you

K: Since when don’t care about Kameron

Me: Don’t worry about it

K: Look just come and have fun. I will buy your outfit if you do.

Me: Fine, can’t turn down free clothes

K: Yayy! I will pick you up one to go shopping.

“Wake up sleepy head,” is what I heard as I felt someone bouncing up and down on my bed. “Get up! Get up! We are supposed to be going shopping and it’s already 12:30,” Kelsey screamed in my ear as she continued to bounce up and down like a maniac. “If you don’t get off my bed acting like a big as kid. Damn how old are you,” I said pushing her off of my bed. I got of bed and walked to the bathroom to do my usual hygiene thing. “Where are we going anyway,” I asked walking out the bathroom in only a towel. “Where else, the mall duhh, don’t act stupid. We will shop all day if we have to just so we can find the perfect outfit for tonight.”

“And what if I don’t want to go to this party  with you and Nick just so I can be the third wheel? When we get to the party you will ditch me to tongue down Nick and forget I even exist, so why go to a party to be ignored when I get that at home.”

“Look I promise I won’t leave you. Just come with me and I promise you will have fun.”

“Why is it so important to you that I come with you tonight? Not once have you ever asked me to come with you to a party and if you did you never begged this much for me to come, so what’s up,” I asked sitting down on the bed next to her. “Me and Nick got into this fight about him continuously cheating on me. One way or another I blamed his cheating on him hanging out with Kameron. I told him he needed to get out of the game or I was leaving for good this time.”

“Okay so why exactly are we going to this party if you two broke up?”

“Because we didn’t break up yet, I want to go and see if he is really cheating on me or am I just being a bitch and running away a good man who wants to take care of me.”

“And where do I fit in all of this? Basically I am the tag along that seems to have no life, so you just decide to bring me along for the fun,” I said getting up and walking to my closet. “It’s not like that, you are my best friend and I need you there to support me. Just like when I supported you when the whole thing with your uncle blew up.”

“Fine I will go, but that means you are buying me the most expensive outfit money can buy,” I said picking out a blue strapless dress with wedge sandals. “No problem I have my mom’s credit card so you can have whatever you want.”

Kameron POV

So a lot has changed in the past month, I have officially become the kingpin and to top it off I started back dating Lauren again. Yea I know she’s a bitch and I’m supposed to be trying to get Ariel but after she came back from bed rest she completely shut me out of her life. Whenever I was around she would talk around me like I was not even there, after a while I gave up and settled for what I knew I could get. So yea I coward out of the challenge that is Ariel and went for the easy Lauren.

So right now I am in the mall with Lauren while she does everything she can to suck my black card dry, when I see Ariel in this blue dress that literally makes me regret giving up. The dress fitted so well that every inch hugged her body in the right way I almost dropped everything. “Baby, what are you looking at,” Lauren asked knocking me out of daze and back to reality. “Nothin, you done here cause I got places to be.”

“Yea but before we leave let me go check and then can we go get something eat.”

“Yea wateva, just hurry up,” I said looking back at Ariel to continue to take in her body. I missed her and would pick her any day over Lauren but she just won’t talk to me. I was so busy staring at her ass I didn’t see when she noticed me. Next thing I knew she was walking up to me like I was the worst person to ever walk this earth. “Can I help you,” I asked trying to make sure Lauren wasn’t around to ruin the moment. “You can stop looking at my ass, that’s all.”

“O my bad, I will try to stop,” I said with a smirk on my face. “Thanks,” is all she said before turning around to walk away but I couldn’t let her walk away not when she just started talking to me again. “Wait,” I said grabbing her arm to stop her. “Get off of me Kameron. What do you want?”

“Can we just talk, I mean you’ve been avoiding me for a month now. Every time I ask your brother how you doin he brush me off and tell me not to worry about it.”

“Okay and why do I care. Plus there’s nothing for us to talk about. I gotta go Kelsey is waiting for me, we are supposed to be shopping for tonight’s party.”

“Wait, you’re going to the party tonight?”

“Yea, is that okay with you or do I need your permission,” she asked crossing her hands. “Yea that’s cool. I will see you there since it’s my party,” I said noticing Lauren finna head my way and I guess she noticed too because thing I know she was no longer in front of me. Damn I miss her.

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