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I kept sleeping until i heard screaming coming from upstairs. "Fuck" i mutter standing up and rushing upstairs to find baby murdoc literally strangling baby 2D while the others watched in horror. "MURDOC FAUST NICCALS" i screamed as they all turned to look at me murdoc kept strangling him. I picked murdoc up and spanked his backside he started to sob and tried to hug me.

I put him on the ground and scooped 2D up who was gasping for air and sobbing. "Well i guess mudzy doesnt get to sleep in my bed. He is gonna sleep on the floor" i say looking down at murdoc who was clinged to my leg sobbing his eyes out. 2D was shaking and crying so hard i thought he would pass out. But luckily he didn't. I carried the three of them to the bathroom ignoring Murdoc who was holding onto my leg tightly.

"Bath time! You guys are stinky!" I say tickling noodle and 2D, Russell whines and tries to fall back to sleep. "No you can sleep afterwards" i say getting the bath ready and putting noodle into the pile of bubbles. She squealed and started to play with them eating some. The three boys looked at me nervously since they didnt take regular showers everyday like me and noodle. Heck i dont even think murdoc showers at all.

I pick up russell and undress him "come on look at the bubbles" i say putting him in the tub as noodle gave him a bubble wig, he started to giggle and started playing with noodle. I looked back at murdoc and 2D to see murdoc attempting to climb onto the counter and 2D hiding behind the toilet "alright Stu come here" i say grabbing him by his left leg and pulling him away from the toilet.

2D screamed and cried trying to get out of my grip as i gently lowered him into the tub he squealed and cried until he felt the warm water and looked at his other two bandmates who were having fun. He started to smile and went to play with them. I smiled until i felt murdoc jump on my back and start growling.

"Murdoc what are you trying to do? Fight me?" I say taking off his dirty diaper and sticking him into the tub. Murdoc started sobbing and scooted to the back of the tub hugging his knees and glaring at me every so often. "Well that wasnt too hard" i say washing noodle and 2Ds hair i couldnt really wash russells hair because he didnt have any... "Mudzy its your turn" i say trying to grab murdoc from the back of the tub.

He screamed and kicked giving me a death glare. Russell scooted to the back and grabbed murdoc by his neck and handed him to me. "thanks russ" i smile washing Murdocs hair while he screamed and kicked. I growled slightly and glared at him "stop it" he looked at me nervously and stopped over reacting i smiled and washed them all until i could tell they were squeaky clean. I picked 2D up first and dried him off putting him in a onesie that had a dinosaur on it. He squealed and hugged me.

"Me me!" Noodle says reaching for me, i scooped her up and put a cute little kitty onesie on her she squealed meowed quietly. I put Russell in a monkey onesie quietly giggling because he really did remind me of a baby monkey. Then i looked at murdoc who glared daggers at me. "I have a special one for you Murdoc" i say drying him off and putting a little devil onesie on him he let out a giggle as i showed him what he was wearing and hugged me.

I carried all four of them down to the kitchen and stuck them in the high chairs I bought them "me me!!" Murdoc squeals bouncing in his seat, 2D growls and points at his mouth starting to bounce in his chair as well. "You two are so adorable" I say opening four jars of baby food and staring at them. "Who is really hungry?" I ask all four them start pointing at their mouths. I sighed and started to feed noodle first which made Murdoc and Russell start to cry.

"No you guys I'll feed you after noodle!" I say continuing to feed her "LILA I HUNGRY" Murdoc screams slamming his hands on his high chair table. I sighed and finished feeding noodle. Then I fed Murdoc, 2D and Russell. I put them all on the ground and gave them some toys. "Now play!" I growled annoyed before launching myself onto the couch and turning on the tv. I felt a tap on my leg to see Murdoc balancing himself and glaring at me.

"What?" I ask looking at him nudging him away. He fell over and flipped me off before crawling over to the others. I watched as he crawled right through their block tower knocking it over and laughing his head off. "Murdoc! That was mean" I say but he ignores me and starts throwing blocks at me angrily. I then watched Russell throw a block at him hitting Murdoc right in the face. 2D started giggling and so did noodle while Murdoc just sat there silently.

I smiled "thank you Russell." Russell nods and starts building the tower again, "hey mudzy you still there?" I ask scooping the pickle up and kissing his cheek. He whined and crossed his arms looking away, "oh come on you deserved that mister" I say laughing slightly putting him down he crawled back over to the other and snatched noodles stuffed cat. "No no no!" Noodle screamed reaching for it.

I watched in horror as Murdoc ripped off its head and threw it at me. Noodle started screaming and crying holding her headless stuffy in her hands staring at terrified. "MURDOC GET IN THE CORNER NOW!" I screamed picking him up and sitting him in the corner. "10 minutes! Don't you dare move unless you want me to put you up for adoption!" I growled. The room went silent and I could feel them all staring at me. One by one they all started crying and I watched noodle, Russ and 2D crawl over to Murdoc and hug him crying really loudly.

"Oh my god I'm sorry you guys" I pulled them into my lap and hugged them all "shhh don't cry I was just mad" 2D continued to bawl while noodle started hiccuping making Russell laugh, soon all four babies were laughing at noodles hiccups. I started to laugh as well but he didn't last long. I could feel the tears rush to my eyes because I missed them all. Having baby versions of them were cool but it was so hard too, I felt them hugging me as I cried.

"I wish you guys were adults again" I say hugging noodle the most. All of a sudden there was a loud crack and a butt naked noodle sat on the floor beside all the babies "NOODLE" I screamed she looked at me confused "hallo? Wait! I'm not baby anymore!" She stands up and runs off coming back wearing an outfit. "oh my gosh it's you!!" I say hugging her tightly she hugs me back "Lila San! I liked being baby but I like being teenager more" she says smiling widely before hugging me again. The three boys looked up at us and cooed. "Nu!" 2D says reaching for noodle. "Aww he cute!" She says scooping 2D up.

I scoop Russell up and we cradle both of them smiling. I see Murdoc watching us from the corner angrily but neither of us cared I was just glad to have noodle back.

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