"Ally! I feel harrazed!"yelled Austin.

Ally shook her head, still laughing. "Austin you can't be feeling harrazed if she's not attacking you right where you're standing." replied Ally through muffled laughs.

"Well I feel harrazed, from a distance." said Austin. Then pouted and crossed his arms like a little 8yr old boy who just got his favorite toy taken away from him.

Trish quieted down. "Awww maybe wittle Ally should kiss wittle Austin's butt cheeks so that he can feel better." replied Trish in an annoying voice people usually use with babies.

"Actually that would really help." said Austin.

Ally seemed shocked at the thought. "I'm not kissing that." she said.

"Reaally? Because you seem to kiss him for any other reason." said Trish.

"Not my fault he practically begs for these lips." said Ally pointing at her lips.

"Ple-ase! Ally you're the one who begs for this." said Austin, striking a hot pose while at it.

"Funny. But you can stop pretending we all know you're the one that begs. Besides, you couldn't go a day without kissing me." said Ally.

"Suuuree, I bet you I could go longer than you without kissing the other one." said Austin.

Ally's eyebrows shot up. "You wanna bet?!" replied Ally.

Austin walked closer to Ally. "Bet on it!" [4]

"Loser has to do a favor for the winner." said Ally. Walking closer to Austin. They were now face-to-face.

They shook hands.

"Game On!"


Days have passed and neither Austin nor Ally had caved in. No matter how hard the other one tried to make the other give in, they wouldn't. Right now both of them were in the practice room at Sonic Boom, trying to write a song. While Trish and Dez were downstairs running the store.

Ally was seated on the couch the had put up there, applying lip gloss while Austin watched wide eyed seated on the baby grand piano bench.

"mmmmm" hummed Ally happily knowing she had Austin in the palm of her hand. "Strawberry." she said. "Do you like strawberry's Austin?" she asked tentively.

He nodded. "I do. I-I like them very much." he said.

"Hmm, I wonder if you would like them more, when you're tasting them on my lips?" she asked.

He once again nodded. "I would, but tasting them on your lips would mean giving up the bet. And Austin Moon doesn't lose bets" he said gaining his confidence back.

Ally rolled her eyes at this. Of course he would act all macho about it."Fine then, I guess you'll have to go kiss-less, until you give up. Because, I am not going to give in as easily as you."

"Oh really?" replied Austin mischievously. "Because you caved in easily even before this bet." he started moving closer to Ally as he said this.

Ally's eyebrows raised. She began to get nervous. Austin always knew her weaknesses. She stepped back, every time he stepped closer.

"What's wrong Ally?" he asked playfully.

"You don't get the meaning of personal space." she responded shakily.

"Do you want personal space?" he asked, his voice beginning to get husky.

She slightly nodded, unsure of how to answer that question. She did want personal space so that she wouldn't be tempted to kiss him right there, yet at the same time she didn't want any personal space. She wanted him to hold her and kiss her like he used to. Gathering up enough strength to not give in. She slightly pushed him away.

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