You let out one hell of a wail though, tears streaming down your rosy cheeks. Jane's face suddenly went to a frown as she helped me buckle you in. Did she think she caused that?

I sighed and grabbed your bag, slinging it over my shoulder.

"Alright let's go guys."

"Yes let's, Ive got a lot of outfit ideas for your little one Felix, aunty Heidi will make (y/p) looks so cute oh yes she will!"

"Aunty Heidi?" I questioned.

"Well SOMEONE has to be the aunt!" She snapped back at me.

I simply put my hands up in defense and strolled out. Jane merrily following behind Heidi and I.
We went straight to the garage where our cars were hidden beneath the tower. I jumped into a regular car that was safe for you.
Never know what could happen on the roads.

I quickly buckled you down and strapped a dangling toy above you to play with. I pushed a button on it and it came to life with colors and soft music.

Your eyes locked into it and you calmed your crying down.

"Is that better my little one?" I said give your forehead a quick kiss before hopping into the driver's seat. I was kind of relieved your crying had stopped. It would make this ride just a bit annoying.

The car ride was surprisingly calm though. You hadn't cried until we got to the store. Your little lips started to quiver as I pulled you out of the car and turned the toy off. Your little distraction wasn't so distracting now sadly.

Jane and Heidi pulled up next to us, got out and joined me.

Heidi flashed me a catty smile as we walked into the building. We had our own store we went to for our particular style and needs that was ran by another vampire who took residence in Italy. Thank god too because we were able to take our hoods down due to the store not having any windows.

"Felix! Jane! Heidi! What are you lovelies doing here? Need new attire?"

"Yes but not for us, you see I was allowed to adopt a human child that is part of the guard now and I am in need of some clothes for an infant."

The clerk gave me an incredibly confused look before leaning over the counter to check for themselves that I wasn't playing tricks on them.

They raised an eye brow and immediately came out from behind the counter. They examined you, pulling out a tape measure to take your measurements to find the right outfit.

"Mr. Felix sir I have just what you need for this little one! Come over here we have an amazing selection of children's clothing and supplies if you need those as well!"

"Thank you so much."

"It's no problem my friend! Also I'd recommend buying some clothes bigger than your little one so you'll have something when these current clothes are outgrown."

"I'll gladly take that into consideration." I said as we all started to browse the clothes.

Heidi snatched you away from me and took you out of the carrier much to my disapproval. She glared at me.

Jane walked around the other side of the aisle, looking at the small colorful toys and children's books. Her fingers ran over the spines of the books, checking each one carefully. She pulled out a a few of the books, mostly about animals and nature.

I decided to walk around and look for more items I'd need for you. I ended up finding a nice (favorite colored) high chair, a proper crib, a large play pen and a lot of sippy cups with baby bottles. I also found a few blankets and pacifiers as well, one was decorated with a vibrant yellow moon and a dark blue starry sky surrounding it.

I grabbed them all and paid for them.

"Can you hold these for me for the moment? I have wait on the others."

"Sure thing Felix, I'll pack them all up for you as well!"

I smiled and walked back to where Heidi was with you, picking out shoes, shirts, and pants. She had gotten you a few (favorite colored) shirts and pants. You on the other hand, was calmly relaxing in her arms. You didn't seem to care as she worked with you.

In fact you seemed really relaxed. You kind of reminded me of a little sloth with the way you slouched. Jane came over to us, sitting down on one of the benches next to Heidi as she went through a few overalls she had found.

"Oh Felix, I found so many cute outfits for (y/n), look at all this!" She excitedly showed me all the clothes she had picked out. I smiled at her and took you back into my arms before her excitement caused any issues.

"I also got some books for (y/p) too. I'm sure some bedtime stories would be beneficial."
Jane chimed in.

You started to fuss a little bit, I could tell you were starting to get hungry.

I quickly made you a bottle, shaking it gently and plopped it into your mouth.

"Heidi? Can you look for some larger clothes too?"

"Sure !"

"I'm gonna take the baby home and get'em washed up and settled down for a nap ok? Can you two handle the clothes and toys?"

"We got your back Felix." They both said smiling. Jane's smile creeped me out though.

I nodded and left with our things. After you had been fed and burped, I places you back into your carrier. Your eyes started tearing up as I placed you in the back seat once again.

I sighed and got in. I reached back real quick and plopped a pacifier in your mouth to calm you before you could scream your heart out again.

Once done I drove back to the tower, parked and got everything out of the car. I finally grabbed you, headed to our room, and pulled you out of the carrier.

You stretched out cozily on my bed. Your tiny fists relaxed open. I kind of didn't want to disturb you but you certainly needed a bath, fed, and to be put down for a nap. It can't be avoided

"Alright little one, it's time for you to get a bath."

Your eyes locked on mine, as if pleading for me not to. I glanced at the clock, it was now 9:30 pm.

"You're not getting out of this kiddo, you need a bath." I said quickly undressing you out of your sweaty clothes. You gave me a unhappy cry as I did so. Once I got you into the bathroom, I started the water.

Once the tub was filled enough, I lightly placed you in. You relaxed into the warmth of the water, allowing me to easily clean you off.

"See? Was this worth all that fussing?" I smiled down at you as you day dreamed. I massaged the soap easily into your hair and ended up making a Mohawk. I chuckled to myself as it looked ridiculous on you.

You gave me a little grin that melted my heart, you were just so perfect in every way it seemed unreal.

I drained the water quickly and dried you off. I quickly diaper you and put you in a pair of (favorite/colored) pajamas. Once that was done we laid down on the bed, the soft moonlight was shiny through the windows landing on you.

It gave you an angelic look that seemed mesmerizing. I was so beyond happy with you, to think that now I was officially a dad. I began to imagine what your future would be like here, as a guard and my little one.

"I love you my little one, I love you more than you'll ever know"


So what do you think?😃 I'm trying my best to make sure this is all gender neutral too so EVERYONE can enjoy it

A guard's Child (Felix volturi & child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now