Preface: Fair is Foul

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- Macbeth, William Shakespeare

Courage was not a trait commonly associated with Slytherin house. They were cunning, of course, and ambitious and resourceful, and perhaps courageous in their own way, but the sheer, undiluted bravery that the Gryffindors had was not something easily obtained. Theresa Jensen and Draco Malfoy knew this all too well. Their mission was clear, simple even, but it required courage beyond what either of them could scarcely imagine. To kill Albus Dumbledore, to help their fellow Death Eaters infiltrate the seemed impossible.

The thought of it kept Draco awake at night. For the first few days after his joining he swore his arm burned dully for hours on end, a constant reminder of the atrocities he would one day commit without even having to look upon the mark burned into his flesh. He thought of Haylee when it all got too much, a feeble attempt to try and distract himself from all of the bad things in his life. What did he ever do to deserve someone like her? Someone so strong, and resilient. Someone who carries on despite tragedy and pain. She was saving the world, fighting against evil, how could he - or anyone else for that matter - afford to do any less? Of course, she only distracted him for so long, as the thought of one day having to possibly fight against her quite quickly replaced the thoughts of her selfless heroism. If he possessed an ounce of the courage she did, he would have fled at the first mention of becoming a Death Eater.

Meanwhile, across the country in Little Whinging, Haylee Potter was also wide awake, her eyes staring unblinkingly at the ceiling of the room she shared with her brother. It was messier than usual, covered in dirty clothes, books, and empty food wrappers. For once it was not dreams of Taylor that were keeping her awake, instead sleep simply refused to claim her. These holidays were better than the last; James and Sirius were sending them letters every other day, and unlike a year ago, they were no more lies. The prophecies, the Order, the reason why they were forced to stay with their horrific aunt and uncle, it was all out in the open now.

But the stakes were higher now. They had already lost so much, and there were many more trials for them to face. It seemed more real now that everybody knew the truth, and things seemed a little darker now that the wizarding world was in a full-blown war against Voldemort and his disciples.

Both Haylee and Draco, diametrically opposed in many of their beliefs, wanted nothing more than to see each other in this moment. Away from the politics of Hogwarts and the inevitable disagreements. Away from the Romeo and Juliet romance they couldn't seem to escape. But the skull and snake tattoo on Draco's arm and the ever so slightly faded scar on Haylee's forehead would forever make things complicated, and the secrets that came with their scars would drive them apart. Secrets don't make friends, and they'll make love fall apart if they remain in the dark.


Hey, so this is super short!! But it's a preface/prologue and they're not typically long, I suppose. But I hope you all enjoyed this, and that you're excited for what's to come. In case you haven't noticed, all of these books have a very heavy Shakespeare theme (Romeo and Juliet, of course, being super prevalent), and these books main theme is Macbeth. Honestly, if you haven't read the play or seen the movie I 100% reccomend you doing so because it's amazing.

Just a small update! I am back at school now, and have an insane workload!! I'm going to try my hardest to stick with my schedule of updating every weekend, but if I do happen to miss an update I'm very sorry. But I'll definitely try to keep you updated, and if I have to take a break for whatever reason, I'll let you know :)

Please remember to vote/comment/follow if you enjoyed and I'll see you in the very first chapter of the Half-Blood Prince!

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