Neville has a Story Too

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George's POV- 

We sat in silence. All of us looking at Meredy, her looking at Neville. She struggled to make the word she wanted to say.. "Who told you that, Neville?" I asked for her. She closed her mouth and nodded, as if to say my question was correct.

"Well I guess it'd be best for us to start at the beginning of the story." Neville said quietly. We nodded as Meredy sat back down next to me and Mum brought a chair in for Neville. "Oh, Mrs. Weasley, Luna and Xenophilius are on their way, they wanted to bring you some fresh Derigible plum jam." I couldn't help but smile at the Lovegood's oddness, as did the rest of my family, but Meredy showed no emotion. Her hair an icy white.

"I see your Metamorphmagus is still quite active," Neville said observantly.

Meredy nodded.

He looked uncomfortable and rubbed his hands on his jeans. "Are you going to tell us your story, mate?" I asked, trying to ease his tension. He nodded.

"Well after Mum and Dad were sent to St. Mungo's,  officials sent the two of us to Gran's. After about four years, Grandad died. And Gran went ballistic. I'm not sure what came over her, but I remembered laying in bed one night. Meredy had a nightmare so she came to my room and laid in bed with me. Gran found us asleep the next morning and freaked out about Meredy not being in her own bed, and started calling her Rainbow Trout and stuff. She really lost it. The next morning I went downstairs to find Gran talking to a few officials. She simply nodded and signed something, then I went to look for you in your room," Neville looked right at his sister. "You weren't there. I ran outside and looked around, to my dismay. Then I looked in the officials' car to find you in the back of the bloody seat! I thought you were sleeping, so I ran in to tell Gran. I remember her exact words. 'Your sister died in her sleep, they're taking her body away.' Before I could do anything, they were gone. You were gone. Part of me was gone."

Part of me was gone.

Part of me was gone.

The words rang in my head like a church bell. Part of him was gone. But now he has it back. He has his twin back. Part of me is gone. But I'll never get it back. I saw him. Dead. With my own eyes.

"Fred.." I said under my breath.

"Sorry," Ron said. "what was that?"

I looked up, now realizing I had said it out loud. "Oh, nothing." I looked at Neville. His face was sad, and quite solemn as he looked at his sister. I looked at her too. Her eyes magnified with tears, her cheeks flushed from the news and the pain she still felt in her stomach.

"I've missed you," she said quietly.

"I've missed you too," he replied.

Even though this moment was quite touching and sweet, Looney Luna came right through the door to my pleasure. I can't handle more of this solemn stuff. Even though I have always been better at partaking in it then Fred ever was.

"Hello everyone! Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley, George, and.. Oh! You must be Meredy. How lovely to meet you." Luna smiled in that odd way that makes her look so peaceful, and makes you smile as well.

"Hello, Luna," we greeted back.

"Daddy will be joining us soon, he is collecting Derigible Plum jam. But I thought Neville would need me here." she said. She walked over and took his hand as she sat down next to him. I loathe that. I loathe Ron and Hermione. I can't loathe Harry though because well.. He's with my sister.. Can't I have a normal, down-to-Earth girl? There was Angelina for awhile, but she had bigger and better things to go for. Great things all end eventually, huh?James squirmed as he nestled into my arms, and immediately I felt Harry and Ginny look at me. They looked exhausted.

"I've got him," I reassured. Ginny may have wanted to argue, but she did not. Harry took her hand and she just nodded. Meredy looked at James from over my shoulder. "He's cute," she said with a small smile. I looked at her. "Would you like to hold him?" she nodded, so I slowly slipped the sleeping baby into her arms. This is what I want...

Meredy's POV-

James is so adorable, and so small. How can a person be so little? I look up to see the boy, whose name I still don't know, looking over at me. He's cute too.. And my brother past him. My brother. I haven't seen him in years, yet now here he is! With his fiancé! And she's quite pretty, I'm proud of Neville. Even though she's a bit strange. Then there's the famous Golden Trio. And the girl. Not just a girl, but the girl I saw with Neville at the Ball. It seems she wasn't as important to him as I thought. Maybe she was at the time though? Doesn't matter now. The past is the past, right? James grabbed my finger and squeezed it. As if saying, you belong here. With Red.

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