recording time

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~A few days later~~~

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Wildcat, we were once again playing GTA and Nogla just shot a rocket towards Wildcat's car with him still in it, I on the other hand watched from a distance as I saw a man in a pig mask fly into the air then smack onto the ground, me and Nogla burst out laughing while Wildcat just continued to whine like a child. "Here I come mother f**kers!" Vanoss yelled as he threw a C4 next to me which immediately blew up "that's what you get (y/n)" Wildcat snared, I just laughed it off.

We were on a mission to blow up a tank in the Army base: me, Nogla, Vanoss and Liu were in Liu's car while Wildcat was in a helicopter above us. As soon as we landed in the base I got 5 stars, "Oh god a tank is right behind us, what do we do Vanoss" Liu stated and just like that we were being chased through the base by 3 tanks and even more cars, every soldier shooting at us "Ah, I'm shot" I heard Nogla say through all the panic. "I literally have a hair of health left" I said slightly nervous, "Hold on (y/n) were almost there!" Vanoss said. Long story short we didn't make it the tanks blew us up but we were close, all of us kept laughing like it was the last thing to resort to.

I stopped my recording and chilled for a few minutes, the guys did the same except for Evan he said he wanted "bonus footage". "Well guys, I will be leaving ye now as its four in the morning in Ireland and I'm tired as F**K" David said we all said our goodbyes and he left. Hopefully it won't be like last time, I mean I do like Evan but I don't want to...wait did I just say I liked Evan? Well do I? I thought to myself a slight blush on my face. "(y/n)!" Tyler yelled, "Hm?" was all I said still in deep thought "We were talking about Insomnia, we're all going are you?"

"Crap, I forgot about insomnia"

"So does that mean you're not going?" Evan said a slight sadness in his tone of voice, "oh erm of course I'm going to go, I wouldn't miss it for the world...I mean a chance to see all my friends in actual real life who wouldn't?" I said and the guys seemed to lighten up, "Well I can't wait to see you there (y/n)" Evan said making me smile.Tyler coughed really REALLY loud trying to get our attention "Well I can't wait to see my LITTLE SISTER again" he said emphasising the words "Little sister" god why does he always have to make it awkward between me and Evan, what is his problem? I thought to myself "Well guys I think I'm going to go, I am insanely tired have fun without me." I said winking at Evan who blushed I could see Tyler eyeing me and then Evan on skype he was unhappy and I liked it, I've always liked to piss him off he gives the best reaction ever.

~Evan's prov~~~

"Well guys I think I'm going to go, I am insanely tired have fun without me." (y/n) said and then she winked at me, I felt my face heat up slightly and then I saw Tyler look at me on skype does he have a problem with me or something? I thought to myself. "bye (y/n)" I said and gave her a faint smile, after (y/n) left Tyler didn't hold in his thoughts "Dude, I think she likes you...actually likes you" he looked like he was lost in thought "Well what can I say, I'm a charmer" he glared at me I made a nervous laugh "look Evan your one of my best friends and I'm happy you like her and she likes you but I don't know how to feel if you two "dated" I mean I want (y/n) to be happy but if you ever broke her heart..." he trailed off but I knew what he was thinking "look Tyler I would never do that to her and my only job would be to make sure she is always happy where-ever whenever." I smiled at him so he knew he could trust me with his sister, "so does this mean I can "date" her?" I asked curiosity taking over me he went quite then sighed "yes you can date her" I was so happy my grin covering most of my face "on one condition" I heard him say my smile slowly turned into a frown "if you break her heart I break your face" I swallowed nervously "Tyler listen to me, I will make her feel like the only person in the world" he chuckled "don't be a pussy and ask her already, here's an idea she likes surprises so ask her at insomnia or something" with that comment he logged off.

"Wait you like (y/n)?" I heard Liu say, I completely forgot he was here I face palmed mentally and physically.

~to be continued~~~

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