Blooper Reel - Part 2

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Chapter 8 - Issues

Scene 1

And she needed some space to figure out what to do about Grayson.

Cait: (snorts) I've got a few suggestions about what to do with him.

Director: That statement could be interpreted in a few different ways, Caitlin. And I'm not sure I like any of them.

Grayson: There's at least one thing I wouldn't mind that she could do with me.

Director: Not yet, Grayson. And you give her crap for being impatient. Sheesh.

Just tripped over the cat going up the steps from the garage.

Grayson:  Sounds really graceful.  Either that or that cat really is the spawn of Satan and is trying to kill you.

Director:  Cut!  Grayson, I realize it's subtle, but she's lying to you. 

Cait:  Still trying to claim he's smart?

Scene 2

Grayson didn't care. She could glare all she wanted. He wasn't going to let her hurt herself.

Grayson: Can someone explain to me why I should give a shit if she has shin splints? We're supposed to focus on my problems.

Cait: I know this is stunning, but not every single fucking thing is about you.

Grayson: Says who? It sure as shit is.

Director: Will you two please knock it off? Grayson, you love her. You're supposed to actually care if she's hurt.

Grayson: Again, how does it affect me, exactly?

Cait:  Yep.  Real smart.

Coach K raised an eyebrow and looked at his captain.  "Grayson, maybe we should talk?"

Matt: Oh shit. G's in troooouble.

Cait: It's about time. Make him run until he pukes.

Scene 3

"She's got to be the most obstinate person on the planet."

Grayson:  Nailed that one.  Am so smart.

Director:  Did you seriously just stick your tongue out at her.  How old are you?

Scene 7

"Cait, now probably isn't the best time."

Cait:  Thank you, Captain Obvious.  This guy's sharp, isn't he?  Do you seriously think I want to be here, you fucking moron?

Director: Cut!  Cait stick to the script please.

"I said, leave me the fuck alone!"

Cait: You got it. I'm out. Let him be miserable.

Director: Cut! Caitlin, seriously. Have some compassion.

Cait: (muttering) I'll have some compassion when he stops being a jackass.

"No place I'd rather be, Allen."

Grayson: Finally! Let's get it on!

Director: Cut! Grayson put your pants back on! What the hell?

Grayson: She's spending the night in my room. You can't seriously expect me to not get lucky here.

Director: Grayson, you're emotionally distraught. You're supposed to bare your soul, not your ass.

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