Chapter 2

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I slowly stepped onto the bus.

As I walked, a foot slipped out of its place and into my walk way.

It sent me falling, my face colliding with the ground.

It didn't hurt to bad, but it made me laugh a little.

Just a little.

I quickly scrambled to my feet, people already whispering about it.


'Did you hear him laughing'

'God that's sick'

They said it like I couldn't hear it.

I could hear every word.

They were right.

I brushed off the words, making my way to my seat and sinking into it.

I was sick.

I did laugh.

I knew I was a freak.

But I also knew I would one day rise above these simpletons.

Through hurt and anger I would grow stronger.

And that would make up for everything.

Soon I would be unnaffected.

Well. More so than now.

An: I have a lot written sooo

Evans Hansens Narration of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now