The attack of a traitor

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I am sorry this is one of my first books and it may not be very good  but give it a chance please. 

       I was seventeen years old on Tatooine.    As I grew up   me and some of my  friends talked of going the rebellion.  We knew that there was danger but I never knew the danger was going to hit so close to me so soon.
       One day me and and my friends we hanging around trying not to start any fights but it was hard for me to stay out of them because people made fun of me, my friends, and my family and usually it ended with me on the ground reaching for my blaster but before I ever shot my friends stopped me.  But this day was weird we seen a escape pod crash to the planets surface.  So I ducked my head in the window of my parents house and told them that me and my friends would be gone for a few hours and I will be back before dark.  My mother always told me to carry a rifle so if some sand people attacked.
       Well me and my friends jumped into my speeder all except one who was busy so he couldn't go with us I said "alright well we will be back soon and when we got back we will go sign up for the rebellion." He just nodded his head and we took off. When we got to the crash sight we seen storm troopers so we veered of and right as I  thought we were in the clear speeder started making a terrible cranking noise so I pulled into a cave and as I looked to see what was wrong.  The power coupling had blown up and I tried working on it. At that moment Old Ben Kenobi came up and told me that he needed to talk to me alone.  I said sure and walked with him over to a exit and he said "I have a light saber for you the force told me that you will need it soon  in your life." I looked at him and said "I'm going the rebellion later today what will I need this for.  They fight with blasters not light sabers." He said "well young one keep it I don't need it anymore and I feel like something bad is going to happen.  But as for you speeder leave it with me you need to get back to your home.
    I told him thanks and we rod off to our houses and when I dismounted the speeder I felt something was off I told everyone to stay here I will grab CW and we will go sign up together.  As I ran over to his house I didn't hear anybody which was odd so I looked through the window and seen blood everywhere  but CW's body wasn't there so I ran over to my house to tell my parents and as I got there he was there. CW was standing there with a blaster and he knew I showed up I tried sneaking in but he seen me and shot me in the stomach he look a me and said " now watch as I kill you family in front of you." I look away and before he kicked me in the gut I  said "what's wrong with you. This isn't you but you better make sure you kill me also because your dead if I get my hands know you."  He sat me up and had storm troopers hold me to the wall as he shot them in the chest and made them die slowly. He walks up to me and knees me in the testicles and says "I was never going to join the rebels because they are a lost cause the empire will win and you will die but not now." I got angry I shot a burst of red lightning from my body killing the storm troopers and I pull out the light saber which started out blue but changed to red and my hair turned redder and my eyes also turned red. I remember what  happened I had no control.  I first swung then swung again but he ducked underneath me and kicked me down and dropped two bombs as he walked  out. I got up and started towards the door when I seen the bombs by the time they went off I  was trying to dive out a window.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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