Life is Crazy

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The years have passed and, honestly, I had forgotten that this had even existed. I was scrolling through Twitter, and someone mentioned Wattpad. Suddenly, a wave of nostalgia and reflexive cringing washed over me as I remembered that I indeed had a Wattpad account. And, to top it all off, I created it in middle school, at probably the craziest and most tumultuous point in my life. So, naturally, I decided to log back in a reread some of my works. How bad could it be, right?

Upon further review of works of 13-15 year old me, I am deeply sorry for the pain and anguish I might have caused. My 6th, 7th, 8th grade personality was extremely hyperactive and very immature, yet I thought I was the shit!! It is mind-boggling to think about just how much I have changed since the last time I updated anything on this account. So, for those of you that care, I am going to give a quick synopsis of me now, and when I complete this I am going to decide if I want to restore my account and begin writing seriously, or just let this all die. 

My name is Kylie. I am now 19 years old, and I will be turning 20 in September. The year is 2018. I am 6'2" tall, and I am the heaviest I have ever been. The last time I updated, I was the lightest I have ever been. Interesting tidbit. I have a dog, a boyfriend, and slight, un-diagnosed Sad Girl Syndrome. I am into makeup, bullet journaling, coconut water, sex and Smirnoff. 

I have graduated high school, rank no. 11 in my class, and I have enrolled at the local state college (SFSC, aka Harvard on the Highway) where I am pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. I haven't yet decided if I want to stay local after my AA degree, or transfer somewhere where I will be happier. So, I have until this coming fall semester to decide, because that's when I should be getting my AA! AHHH!!! I really want to move out of this small town, but I can't afford it with my current job. But, I don't have the balls to quit and get a job that I deserve. A lot might have changed, but my aversion to confrontation and pushover tendencies have remained steadfast!

For those of you that have read my old stuff and are getting notifications or whatever (I really don't remember how Wattpad works), you probably remember me mentioning a boy named T and my friend named Dee. Well, I am still in contact with these people. Dee, or Delani, is still my best friend, and she will remain so until the day I die. We no longer role play as our characters Aia or Little Link, because we have grown up and life has gotten absolutely nuts. So, for those that care or know, don't be expecting an update for any of those stories (#ifuknowuknow).

As for T, his real name is Tanner, and he and I are dating. And things are going really well. I can't really remember how much detail I wrote about mine and his budding relationship on here, but I remember posting some text conversations. Around the time that I was last active on here, in 8th grade, poor Tanner asked me out and I rejected him. What a bitch, I know. I was a young girl who was embarrassed to have a boyfriend that actually showed his interest in me. Instead, I chose an asshole who exploited me and ruined my relationship between my mother and I. But he is gone now and I couldn't be happier. 9th grade came and went without much interaction between T and I, because I figured he hated me after the way I treated him. Well, I was wrong, as right before summer break, I got a Facebook message that rekindled our old spark. Tanner and I would talk every day, about everything under the sun, and we became the friends we had once been before.

Somehow, this young guy with no experience mustered up the courage to ask me, an young girl with little to no experience as well, out on a date to the movies. So, we went, we watched Maleficent, and we kissed. And that was the start of my current relationship with the love of my life. 

We have definitely been through it all together- dealing with my parents' divorce and the death of family members. We have fought and made up, and we have grown together. God, have we grown together. We graduated high school and started college together, and are planning out the next steps of our life. 

And of course I know none of you all very much care about any of this. I just wanted to comment on how someone who was just a letter in an old work of mine became such a huge part of my life. 

As you can probably tell, I have mellowed out a lot since I wrote "Screw Normality," and my writing skills have drastically improved. I have taken College English and Introduction to Literature and I have fallen in love! I am truly sorry about the way I misused this account. I believe I am going to start using this for actual writing. 

Let me know in the comments below how you're doing, if you're someone that remembers me or my stories, or if we ever messaged or anything. If you believe my writing has significantly improved and if you want to read more, let me know. If you want to be a friend, let me know!

My social media is dry as hell, but you might enjoy looking at my face or dog or something. Instagram: kylieann25_        Snapchat: itskylieannbro  (a name left over from the dark times)

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