"I know we ended badly, but I've let it go. You can just ignore me and then it won't be so bad right?" Taehyung's hands started to dig into his bag and he pulled out a pencil and turned away once again.

Screw him.

Scoffing, I turn back to my canvas and start sketching again. Now that I've found my spark of anger towards him, he'll be so much easier to ignore.

"Ara? Can you collect the paintbrushes?" Madame Areum gently tapped on my shoulder as I finished up the last of my painting.

Apparently today we were working on watercolor paint instead of pastel. I stood up and started collecting brushes, but I purposefully avoided getting Taehyung's first. He could wait. As I collected wet paint brushes, Taehyung finished up his painting and once I reached him, I so desperately wanted to do what Jungkook did whenever an anime killed a good character. Scream.

"I like your painting. Maybe work on brush strokes more?" He handed me his brushes and I couldn't stop the scowl that fell upon my face.

Kim Taehyung was a jackass.

I headed towards the sink and started gently washing the brushes, being careful not to ruin them. If I did, Madame Areum would kill me in front of the entire class.

Students slowly started to shuffle out and I saw a hand place another brush in the sink.

"Thanks." I mumbled, hands gently rubbing at some paint that had stained the stick of the paint brush.

"No problem." The voice responded.

I looked up, recognizing that stupid voice.

"Why didn't you just give me the brush when I was collecting them?" I questioned, keeping my hands busy as the water ran. I would hate to waste water especially in these times of crises.

Taehyung shrugged, "I just wanted to see you again. See you around, Ara."

That cocky mother—

"Are, be more gentle." Madame Areum interrupted my train of thought.

I nodded and turned back to face the sink.

"Alright. I bring chocolate cookies, jajangmyeon, and coke. What are we watching today?" I stride into Jungkook's dorm with my hands full and my canvas bag bouncing against the side of my stomach.

As I look up, I see Jungkook's messy living room, his even messier kitchen, and dirty stained floors. God, this kid was living in a pigsty.

Jungkook ran up to help me with groceries as soon as he noticed I was here and I couldn't stop staring at the cardboard boxes at the front of the room.

"What are you packing?" I ask as I set down a bag on his small kitchen table.

He gently rolls up his hoodie sleeves and turns towards the boxes, "Just some pictures and other stuff that remind me of Jimin. I'm finally doing a spring cleaning."

"First of all its winter," I point out, "And second of all, I'm proud of you. You're finally moving on." 

He gives me a sheepish smile and then grabs the box of chocolate chip cookies.

"Can I borrow some sweats? I got my jeans dirty and I can barely breathe in them."

He nods and makes his way to the cardboard boxes as I make my way towards his bedroom. Jungkook and I, despite our short time knowing each other, are extremely close. I met him when he was going through a lot of complicated shit and it's strange how our pain brought us together. He was a college student with parent issues and a complicated relationship with his boyfriend, and I was a college student with no love life and an apartment I worked two jobs to pay for. We both had our own struggles and the trust and vulnerability we showed each other helped us become good friends.

As I opened up his sweat drawer and pulled out some random black sweats at the top of his pile, I couldn't help but see the picture atop his dresser. It was a picture of him and a blonde haired Park Jimin. In black sharpie were the words "he breaks me tonight" at the corner of the page. 

After I finish changing I grab the picture and head to the living room. My hands immediately let the picture fall into one of the cardboard boxes and Jungkook looks up as he finishes taping a box shut.

"I wanna keep that one." He says as I sit down and push aside plastic bags and comfy pillows, my legs comforted by the warmth of his sweats.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Why? Isn't that like the most painful picture you have?"

He shrugs and plucks it out from the box, "It could be great inspiration for a film."

I try to get comfortable but the amount of crap on Jungkook's couch prevents me from doing so, "Stop hoarding. It's only going to keep hurting you."

"I know," He sighs, "But getting rid of everything just seems wrong, you know? I gave him three years of my life and he was really important, is really important to me. I just don't want to forget, you know? I don't want to forget my greatest love and my worst heartbreak."

I give him a warm smile, "Let's watch anime?"

He shakes his head and stands up. His hands reach for the remote and he gives me a lopsided grin as he takes a seat, his hands pushing aside plastic bags, pillows, clothes, and shoes from atop couch.

"Actually, I was thinking of watching this really sad romance movie I found a few days ago. It has time travel in it."

I laugh, "Sure. I'm gonna get the jajangmyeon before it gets cold."

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