Home Sweet Rivals (1/2)

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"Ajar!" Eva screams as she watches rocks bury him.  "Let me go," she shouts at the bird, wincing at the talons digging into her scales.  She continues to struggle as they fly over the Oasis.  Finally, the birds drop her and Gary onto the sand next to a familiar rock.  "Sir, we found your son and daughter," said one of the birds.  Eva hissed at the bird when a voice spoke behind her, "Thank you, Chief-Chief, were you able to get the Dustie who kidnapped them?" Eva whipped around and saw her father, Michael, sliding out from under the ivy curtain that covered the entrance to their home.  "He didn't kidnap me," she hissed, but her father ignored her.  "No sir, though, we did see him get caught in a rock slide," Chief-Chief replied.  "I see, well, keep a look out for more of his buddies," Michael sighed.  "Yes sir," said the bird before taking off.

Eva watched him fly off, then started slinking towards the undergrowth.  "Now just where do you think you're going?"  She stopped and hissed softly.  "Do you have any idea how worried we have been?" her father continued.  "You weren't worried about me!  You were worried that you wouldn't get anything from the Spencers if I didn't marry Jon-Jon!" she yelled.  That made her father mad.  With a frown, he said, "Listen, all that matters is that you're here, safe and sound.  When I find the Dustie that kidnapped you, I wi-" "He didn't kidnap me, he rescued me!" Eva cut him off.  Her father reeled from shock, and Eva ran off before he could recover, tears running down her face.


"Ajar! are you alright?"  Ajar groaned and tried to raise his head against the rocks.  After a moment, the pile collapsed and daylight broke through, blinding him momentarily.  "Thank goodness you're alright," a scorpion exclaimed before hugging him.  Ajar backed up and looked at him.  "Do...Do I know you?" he asks, confused.  The scorpion scrambled back to stand beside another, darker scorpion.  "It's me, Pitt, remember?" the first one said.  "One of the rocks must have hit him really hard in the head," the second one mused.  "So, he doesn't remember us at all?!" the first one, Pitt, exclaimed.

Ajar bent his neck down to look at the two, and opened his mouth to say something when he heard a low whistle.  "What's that?" he asks, looking out toward the desert.  The other two stopped talking and looked in the same direction as the whistle built up in volume.  Out of nowhere, what felt like a wave of water hit Ajar, both inside and outside, in the head.  After a second the sensation passed and Ajar shook his head.  "Ajar, are you alright?"  He looks down at his friend, Pitt.  "Yeah, why, what's up pal?"  "Well, you don't remember us," Pitt says worriedly.  "What?  Of course I remember you and Emily," Ajar exclaims.  Both scorpions gasped and looked at each other.  "Um, am I missing something?" he asks, confused.  "There was a rock-slide, you got hit in the head and forgot us, then...something...hit us from the desert and all the sudden you remember again!" Emily exclaims.  "Wait, you felt it too?" Ajar asks.  "Yeah, what was it anyway." Pitt says, looking out in the desert.

"Well, whatever it was, at least it brought my memory back," Ajar says, looking out into the desert as well.  "Come on, lets get there before the sun sets."  The trio start forward, until Pitt exclaims "Wait, where's Pietra?"  "Over here," a voice calls from beneath the rocks.  Ajar pushes the rocks off the sand colored snake and she slid out.  "What is up with those birds?" she exclaims, looking towards the Oasis.  "I don't know, I think they guard the Oasis and the Green snakes," Ajar says.  The group sets off, toward the Suburbs, but Pitt continued to look back towards the desert.

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