January 2018 - New Year Giveaway Winner

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Hello, kittens!

As you've probably guessed by this chapter's title, I'm here to announce the winner of my New Year giveaway. However, there's something else I must do first:

I'm sorry it took so long to announce the winner!

This chapter was supposed to go up last week, but due to the Wattpad bugs that had been plaguing us lately, I couldn't log into my account for a very long time and when I'd finally log in, I couldn't post anything or reply to comments and messages.

Once again, I'm sorry for the wait! And now:

Once again, I'm sorry for the wait! And now:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

CHLOERedWolf! (chosen with random.org)

🎉 Congratulations, Chloe! 🎊

You win feedback on the first three chapters of a story of your choosing, plus its cover and blurb.

To those of you who didn't win: don't worry; you'll have more chances as the year goes by. In fact, I'm taking part in the Wattpad Block Party and not only have I written a post for it (tips, plus a sneak peek), but I'm also hosting a giveaway which will be linked at the bottom of my WBP post.

Thank you for taking part in my first 2018 giveaway! Have fun wattpadding!

PS: Add this book to your reading list so you'll be notified when it's updated and there's a new giveaway for you to enter.

CatMint5's GIVEAWAYSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora