Dear My Fellow Inklings

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  • Dedicated to The Inklings

Okay So todays the last meeting of our club, Writer's club. It's Been a wonderful year, in my eyes, I was one of those kids whose best friends went to another school, so I felt alone, and out of place. But when I found this club, The Inklings, I found where I belong, because this is my people. I made so many new friends and we are like a family now, we are we became so close to eachother because we pour out the feels with each and every prompt we write, each and every meeting we have. We are a family. You all taught me that its okay to be loud, be expressive, be weird and crazy.

I know I'm freshman going to sohpomore and i know I will cry when 2015 walk across the stage and 2016 walk across to recive their Diplomas. I'll cry because your leaving the Inklings to persue your goals and dreams but it hurts leting things go but I know you'll be leaving for a good cause

The end

~ this is a farwell letter to my club, the writers club aka the Inklings, at my school I'll miss you all over the summer and i can't wait for next here~

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