The past ❤

Beginne am Anfang


"Sara ? Are you going home ?" Me.
She glance at me and continue to focus on her laptop.
"Hm im gonna late this day. I have to done this for u tomorrow." Sara.
"Hm wanna me to stay with u" me. And dduk d sofa.
"Hmm its okay. Suda biasa jg. Ada jg c ryan dtg krg" sara.
Yups her new boyfrnd. But based on wht i know. Ryan is probably a good husband to be for sara. He's good.
"Ouh okay then. Hm have a good day sara." Me
"So formal" sara.
"Wht ? Gilak. Oky bye bitch" me.
"Yeah that wht u called me. Hehe oky bye bitch" sara.

She's my happy pills.

Sy turun guna lif. Smpai d bawah sy tngo d luar. Hujan pula. Baru sy teingat c Jordan.

Calling ..

"Nerdyyyy" me.
"Jasmine. Heyy going back home now ?" Jordan.
"Yea. Its raining hard here. I have a plans." Me. Yeah my mind is totally about sex.
" okay. Wait there. Im coming." Jordan.

25minutes later.

While I'm waiting for him. Sy tehidu bau sngt2 familiar. Darrel. Mata sy meliar mencari. But I can't find him. Ughh.


" hey" I smile happily.

"Am I late?" Jordan
"Not laa." Me.

I hold his hand tightly. The thought about sex is disappeared and what playing in my mind is only him. I want him to be always beside me. Take care of me. I feel loved.

Kmi msuk ja kereta terus jordan kiss my cheek.

"Thanks" I said.
"Yeah I miss u" jordan
I smile towards him.
"Should we go now nerdy?" Me
He smiles. Oh my god so cute.
"Yeah. My home ?" He smirks.
"Dirty minds" i said n touch his cheek .
"Its alwys come when im with u. Im into u" jordan.
I smiled.
"We gonna have my friends today. At my home. Its okay for u ?" He ask me.
"Yeah I'm fine with it" as long as im with him nothing gonna make me sad but its make me even a happy person. I like to be around him more.

On the way to his home I feel loved. He's holding my hand . and I love it. Cute. And sweets.

As we sampai suda d rumah jordan

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

As we sampai suda d rumah jordan. Not big not small just simple.

"Why it's always cute ?" Me.
"Wht cute." Jordan ask.
"Your house and you"me.
"You got me" Jordan. He walking to open the door. And we walk in.

I sat on the couch and smelling the house. Bau just like jordan. I like the fragrance around him and his house. Am I being a freak here?! Fuck.

MY STORY [COMPLETED] ✔✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt