chaptero dosss

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my weird addiction.

everyone has one don't they.

yeah well mine is weird.

and it gets really addictive.

I can't stop it.

no one can.

it's annoying.

i wanna get rid of it.

but I can't.

alright so my addiction is that,

I write down notes.


It's not like that.

You don't understand.

This could ruin my life and the worlds life.

Fuck. What planet do we live on?



Okay so it could ruin my life and Venus's life.

Shit. Now it doesn't make sense.

I'm annoying you aren't I.

Im probably not

taking down notes is my addiction but it's not like that.

when I think of something I just have to write it down.

if I have no paper then I just write on myself.

if I have no pen or pencil or phone then I would just gain a headache by trying to remember it till I get the phone, pen or pencil.

it gets out of hand if I think of another idea while having another idea in my head.

get it?

it's too much to handle for my midget sized brain.


I just offended midgets.

Wow I'm a shit head full of holes.


now I offended my role model

I'm sorry spongebob.

shit I'm a mother fucker.

Okay great now things are off topic.

Okay back on topic.

So this problem I have I can't get rid of it.

Oh and by the way I have about 120 notes in my phone because of it.

And trust me.

It takes my storage away.

I look back at my school binders that are full of paper and shit (literally) and see that there are notes that are not related to school at all.

Or even life in general.

Its like alien sci-fi shit.

I hate my life.

You'd know why if you read my last chapter.

Which you probably did cause how would you have read this?

probably skipped it, never mind don't answer that.

okay bye now.

bye sponge bob.

bye Barney.

bye elmo.

bye drake

bye life.

bye wattpad.

Fuck my life

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