unbelievable facts about UNIvERSe

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Habitable zones
There are anywhere between 200-400 billion stars in milky way and an estimated 100 billion planets. Around one in five stars are like our sun,and astronomers have estimated that about 22% of them have planets the size of Earth in their habitable zone, where water can exist as liquid this means there could be 8.8  billion planets within the Galaxy capable of supporting life but not accounting for composition of the planet or it's atmosphere

Earth under pressure

Black holes are formed when some very large stars collapse and condense all of their mass into a very small area known as schwarzschild radius. Earth's schwarzschild radius is just below nine mm (1/3inch), and if it were to be compressed below that size ,our planet would become a black hole, they would have to be compressed smaller than a proton

Our milky ways closest neighbour

The Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest Galaxy to our Galaxy. It is about 2.5 million light years away it isn't bright enough to see in night sky by our eyes. If it were brighter, it would appear six times larger than the full moon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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