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So im going to start first with crushes
If you have crush im going to ask what do you like about them?how much do you know about them?if you really feel like you are ment to be then tell me whats so fasanating about them what made you love them and if your awnser is their looks then thats not love listen to me if you claim you love this person you might not know all the person so say this you see this man or woman and you like man they are so good looking and you start saying things you belive you love them but do you really love them you cant make that bold of an asumption if you know nothing of the person my advice is first go and say hi and if your to scared tell one of your freinds to go talk to them and find out what kind of person your crush is because their either lovely and nice or a cocky jerk dont expect people to be great or horrible because of their expirience get some back bone and find out.

And if you sorta know what their like and are like yes this person is amazing and i think i want to be with them dont sit in the backround and daydream sorta like this

And if you sorta know what their like and are like yes this person is amazing and i think i want to be with them dont sit in the backround and daydream sorta like this

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(No this person is not talking about me even though i am i mean look

Im cute but im going of topic)but yeah dont sit in the sidelines and dream about this person and i will tell you dont wait to long because the longer you wait the more likely you are to lose them to someone else so id say just suck it up and tell ...

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Im cute but im going of topic)but yeah dont sit in the sidelines and dream about this person and i will tell you dont wait to long because the longer you wait the more likely you are to lose them to someone else so id say just suck it up and tell them how you feel the worst thing that could happen is that you get rejected and if you do just think hey i took the chance and i grew from the expirence and i was brave and i did what i was scared to do and you get to eat ice cream and have all the blankets in the house and watch tv and who knows they might like you back and whoopty doooo you got a girl/boyfreind but i swear some people make seem like it will end in mass destruction

Now we are moving onto the realation ship

Now this is what i say you need to trust each other and give space when its needed so you can avoid fighting if you want your realtionship to last you should trust your partner and if you think their treating dont snoop around because if they arent you could destroy your realation ship so if you suspect their cheating ask them about it but dont get all heated about it and i have a question why would you cheat because if you dont feel the connection with the person you promised to go out with then tell them you dont feel the same as when you first met and say you think you should see other people why let them go through the feeling of heart break and betrayl and if you do cheat just know after you and this other person break up youll realis how much you loved the person before you cheated and this person will have moved on and youll feel so stupid ok

Now this me talking like me
So ive never had a crush but ive seen people and thought they are pretty or cute but ive never had a crush and tbh i dont think im mature enough and i still need to grow and i dont want to depend on to keep me out of trouble and to save me and belive it or not i have been asked out once or twice and i dont know how to react and i dont want to hurt peoples feeling so im all like AAAAAAAHHHHHHH  and trying to come up with an excuse so im all like ummm im 11 then they usally are like 11,12 or 10 and they say that and im like noo then i go im in the UK and trying to say like sorry but im not in love with you i get really scared and if i was in a realationship i would want someone whos can help keep me save who i can trust who will love me for me but yeah thats it from me this chapter was a little less like serious but i need a little funny in their

Ok boi

-Archer out✌

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