Chapter 16 - Short Snout, Green, Fireball and Horntail

Start from the beginning

"He's taking risks, this one!" yelled Bagman gleefully as Cedric ran closer to the dragon, narrowly avoiding another pillar of fire. He ducked behind a large boulder and waited. When he was sure the dragon had lost interest, he raised his wand again. An orange jet of light shot out of his wand and hit a nearby rock, which shrunk and morphed into a labrador. The labrador yapped, drawing away the dragons attention, before running far away from where Cedric crouched behind his boulder

The dragons eyes followed the dog as it lept out of the way of the dragons fire faster than any normal dog. Unbeknownst to the dragon, Cedric was creeping out from behind his rock and towards the eggs. Then, just as he was about to reach his goal, the dragon finally burned the anthropomorphic rock to ashes and roared triumphantly
"Clever move-" shouted Bagman over the dragons shrieks "pity it didn't work!"
"Well done dragon!" yelled Fred and George, who were sitting behind them. Ginny grinned at them

Cedric had frozen to the spot, unable to conjure up another sacrificial canine without drawing attention to himself. Inevitably, the dragon turned and spotted Cedric right underneath. This time, he wasn't fast enough to avoid the flames. The sapphire fire shot towards Cedric, and his screams made Hermione wince

The dragon huffed in a satisfied sort of way, and the dragon keepers ran towards where a presumably gravely injured Cedric. However, The dragon didn't notice Cedric rise from where he was lying and, before the dragon could do anything, he had grabbed the egg and was racing towards the spot he had entered the paddock. The crowd went wild, the cheers even lowder than the dragon's snarls, as it was lead away from the paddock
"Very good indeed!" Bagman roared "And now the marks from the judges!"

All heads turned to the judged. The first judge, Madame Maxime, raised her wand and silver ribbons shot out of it, arranging itself into a number 7. There was a round of applause, and each of the judges raised their wands in turn. Crouch and Dumbledore both gave Cedric a 9, Bagman gave him an 8 and Karkaroff, who was clearly being biased, gave him a 5

The dragon keepers were leading another dragon into the paddock. With its green, smooth scales which would blend in perfectly with the grassy plains it presumably resided in, Hermione quickly identified it as the Common Welsh Green. It's eggs, which were being carried in by the same dragon keeper, were dark brown and flecked with green

"One down, three to go!" Bagman shouted, and another whistle sounded "Miss Delacour, if you please!"
Several moments later, Fleur Delacour walked into the paddock, her head held high. Most of the boys watching sat up straighter in their seats. Hermione would've been inclined to laugh, had Ron not done the exact same thing

The dragon snarled territorially as Delacour neared it, curling herself around her egg. Delacour clearly wasn't expecting that, and she paused. The dragon gave her a challenging look, and Delacour's face set. She waved her wand in a complicated twirling motion, and a sort of pink glitter flew out of it. The pink stuff landed around the dragons head and her eyelids sagged
"Very clever!" said Bagman as the dragon lay down, semi conscious, with its eyes half open

Delacour grinned and raced towards the dragon
"Oh I'm not sure that was wise!" said Bagman. Delacour wasn't looking at the dragon as she ran. There was a loud rumbling noice that seemed to come from the depths of the earth. It took a moment for Hermione to realise that it was the dragon snoring. Delacour froze. The dragon snored again and a thin jet of flame shot out of her nose, setting Delacour's skirt on fire. Most of the boys gasped, and Hermione rolled her eyes. Delacour put out the fire with a wave off her wand, looking rather impatient towards those who had gasped

Delacour reached the dragon and found, to her dismay, that the dragon was too tightly wrapped around the nest for her to get in. Delacour raised her wand again. They was a bang and the dragons tail jerked, before going back to its original position. Delacour tried this several more times, probably not helped at all by Bagmans commentary
"Oh... nearly! Careful now... good lord, I thought she'd had it then!"

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