Chapter 12 - Awards

Start from the beginning

The whole roster applauses them one more time and started chanting Couple of the year.

"I do have a speech!" Alexa stand on her tip toes to rich the microphone. "This year was such an amazing year for me." She sighed trying to hold back the tears. "I met incredible people, including Alessia." She smiled pointing to Alessia. "I do have to thank this girl, because after all this rivalry and behind the storylines, I have always admire her." She points back to Alessia. "You've been such an inspiration for lots of kids, woman and man outside." She cried. "I improved on my wrestling skills because of you and I wouldn't be more thankful for the amazing and incredible things you do for the company." She couldn't more and cried out, Alessia cried at her emotional speech and went to hug her.

"Thanks you so much Lexi!" Alessia smiled raising Alexa's hand.

Everyone cheered Alexa an Alessia while running to a hug and some pictures.

After that the award nominations kept going:

Couple of the year: "Nikki Bella and John Cena"

Most shipped couple: "Finssia"
Fergal and Alessia walked up the stairs not even making eye contact, they gave their respective speeches and walked off.

"This one is lit, so get ready!" Sasha said guiding he thanks to shut her mouth.

Becky let out a huge sigh. "Lana!" She giggled before continuing. Lana looked at her with such cute puppy eyes. "You were nominated the worst wrestler of the year, followed by Bayley and Mandy Rose. So come here girls! It doesn't really matter." She added in her Irish accent.

"You'll make it next year Bay." Alessia sarcastically laughed patting her shoulder.

"Okay I do have a speech." Bayley tried to sound upset. "2018 will be my year!" She said doing her high five signs receiving everyone's chants Give Bayley a Chance

"Get ready for this, cause this one was pretty hard for us to decide." Sasha sighed.

"And the award for the best arsenal goes to..." Becky said making a pause.

Everyone was crossing fingers and holding hands.

"Goes to....!" Sasha continued. "Okay that was tight." She teased receiving everyone's boos.

"Okay, okay." Becky tried to calm the roster down. "The most pretty girl alive on the world, Alessia!" She said excited clapping as Alessia walked into the steps.

She was given the support form the roster as they were chanting he way.

She grabbed her award and smiled hoig back the tears.

"Well, 2017 was an incredible year." She sighed looking at the whole roster. "I release my dream of becoming a WWE wrestler, as I made my way here I never thought I would meet incredible people that would always support you, and to be honest as I made my way down the ramp at my debut I felt how a wrestler loves it's job." She cried. "I always hustled each day to be where I am right now, I worked my but out and here are the results." She smiled. "It such an honor to be nominated to this award when there are incredible wrestlers from who I learn day by day, like Sasha." She pointed to Sasba, who was whipping away her tears. "Or Becky, Charlotte, and most important Seth!" She pointed to Seth, who was covering his face. "And I don't forget about you, Finn!" She smiled looking at Finn who have her a smile. "You were such a good trainer for me during this 2017." She smiled back. "And that's it, think you guys for everything." She ended her speech whopping away her tears walking down the steps being hugged by everyone.

Fergal Devitt

I always said falling in love at first sight would always bring problems into the relationship, you just saw her and how is it possible to fall her! She never loved you and she was just playing with you while meeting other guy, she is about to turn a month dating him and this whole time I've been acting like an idiot.

Fergal woke up at Bayley's phone call, he missed 2 calls from her 20 minutes ago.

"Yes?" He yawned.

Bayley laughed through the phone. "Finnie was sleeping!" She teased him with the baby voice.

"Martinez stop it!" Fergal groaned.

"Okay, fine." Bayley sighed. "Breakfast with your best friend?" She asked with the ronni net voice.

"Okay, I'll choose this time, last time we came to Davenport you chose the place, so I go with Cafe d' Marie!"

"See ya' there pal!" Bayley smiled hanging back the phone.

That morning Fergal was acting cold towards his best friend Bayley, he barely touched his breakfast and he didn't even say a word on less Bayley made him a question.

"What's up to you?" Bayley asked placing a hand on his shoulder. "You've been acting so cold ever since Lessia and Seth stayed hanging out." She stuttered trying to sound not that rude as those words came out of her mouth.

Fergal knew she wasn't lying, he looked up with tears in his eyes and sighed. "It's just- I loved her so much." He cried as he looked back down. "And she is now with him and the fact that she never loved me, kills me." He cried.

Bayley hugged him telling him that everything was okay.

"No! It's not fine! I lost her, she really meant everything to me! I never thought so could fall for someone this hard!" He said walking away.

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