Lets deal with it one more night!

24 3 6

"Hey how's life." Most of the people ask
She smiles and says, "perfect."
But they don't know the inside story,
The act in perfect, but she's sick and tired,
Of this miserable life! Oh what a life it is which has no light!
So she finally gives up and is about to jump, about to wash away her miserable life, about to end all the voices she hears at night, at day, everywhere she goes, everywhere she stays.
"Die you pathetic soul, you are just a burden on your poor mother and your poor sister. They mend for you, they give you food and what you do nothing! Oh what a poor pathetic soul you are!" Says the voice which is deep within her waiting to unleash.
She is about to jump about to end her agony but suddenly she decides, "let's deal with it one more night."

This update is for all of you who tell me to keep writing and never stop!

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