Prologue // Someone I'd Like You To Meet

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"Welcome home."

The same sickeningly sweet smile greets Sangwoo at the door. Yoonbum practically wags his tail at his owner. The longing to vomit grows in the tall man. 'How can someone have so little dignity?' The ball of disgust refuses to disappear from Sangwoo's chest, so he locks the door and ignores it.

The muscular man removes his jacket and shoes before sitting down on the perfectly scrubbed floor. The same condescending smile grows on his face as he asks, "Did'ya miss me?"

With his hopeful puppy dog eyes, Yoonbum crawls over to the man, "Yes! I couldn't wait until you got back home!" He spoke too quickly and his voice came out too high pitched. Sangwoo was amused.

He lifts the broken boy onto his lap, causing Yoonbum to let out a little yelp.  Sangwoo absentmindedly takes on the role of the Santa Clause at every mall around Christmas, "What do you want?" A blush spreads over Yoonbum's pale and slightly sunken cheeks. The poor broken boy only wanted to stay by Sangwoo's side. Bum wants to be the one to take care of him. Before the frail boy gets the chance to speak up, Sangwoo decides its finally time. "Hey Bum, there is someone I'd like you to meet."

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