"Huh? Oh yeah! Well I decided to leave since it seemed like you two were discussing something so I decided to go back....and I ran into Sleepy Ash! He was looking for me and yeah." Alex stated trying to explain it properly while Lawless shook her.

"Ahhh Lawless stop shaking her already...she might get sick." Looking over they saw All of Love taking Alex away from the blonde male.

"Hah?!" He asked with a small frown.

"You must have a rough day today Ally...why dont you go to your room and rest.." The Mother said as she took the female away which confused Alex even more.


Loud crashing noises were heard outside which caused the female to wake up.

Groaning she sat up rubbing her eyes and walked outside. There she spotted Lawless grabbing Sleepy Ash by the collar and yelled at him.

"Eto.....whats going on here?" Alexi asked which froze everyone in place. All eyes on the young female.

"A.....Alex.." they all mumbled this caused Lawless to let go of Ash.

When that happened Sleepy Ash walked out of the room without a word while everyone was left with a confused girl.


"K....kill him..?" She asked as her eyes widen at the words she was hearing from the other 6. She couldn't believe anyone would come up to such a terrible decision.

World End nodded his head. "That's what we were discussing...." he added.

"And.....and you wanted to kill him?" Alex asked looking up at All of Love, Old Child and Doubt Doubt.

The three just looked her in silences

"And....and......" Before she could even say anything else tears ran down her cheeks and ran outside.

"Alex! Come back!" They all yelled. Lawless was the first to act. There was no way was he letting her go like that.

Not after how he already all the people he cared about....

Tears ran down her cheeks as she ran far far away from the place she use to call home....they wanted to kill him...to kill the person who saved her....

She knew that not all of them agreed but that still doesn't change the fact that they were still killing him.

As she ran she tripped on a rock. She let out a gasp as she fell down the steep rocky hill. She got herself injured cuts and bruises around her body. Her dress got cut slightly as well.

A groan left her lips as she laid on the ground helplessly.

The last thing she saw was a young male wearing a yutaka with a black fox beide him after that darkness followed

A young male with jet black hair wearing a traditional yutaka was walking around town with a fox beside him.

Suddenly he heard a loud rustling sound making him panic slightly before looking walking towards it.

"Tsubaki....whats the matter?" The fox asked the young male.

"I think...I heard...Something..." the man named Tsubaki said as he continued to look around. His eyes widen when he saw a girl laying on the ground bleeding.

Quickly picking her up, Tsubaki ran as fast as he could towards the clinic.

Once he arrived he opened the door and walked in. "Sensei!" He called out.

The white haired male looked at the male then at who he was holding. His eyes widen slightly. "Alexi...." he mumbled.

"Tsubaki put her down here." Ordered the male.

Tsubakia complies with his words and put her down.

Once done, the old man started to patch her up.

Alexi let out a small gasp as she sat up.

Panting heavily she looked around and saw that she was in a familiar room.

"Your awake....I'll get Sensei.." a voice rang into her ears. There she spot the male she saw before.

Later the man called Sensei appeared.

Her eyes widen as she saw him. "Otōsan..." she mumbled tears running down her cheeks as she got up and ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Ahh...Alexi..its been so long...whats the matter?" He asked.

"Its...just....I.......they..." she couldn't say anything tear continued falling down.

"There..there..its alright now...ahhh I want you too meet someone..." he stated.

Blinking a bit she looked up and wiped her eyes. "Huh?"

"Alexis meet Tsubaki...his the youngest of the servamps.."

Looking over she saw the male once again.

Tsubaki looked at her and gave her a small smile. "Hi..."

Hour's had passed, Tsubaki and Alexi grew close.

Later on that day, the creator told Alex and Tsubaki about the Eve and Servamp contract. Alex found it strange at first but seemed to have gain interest in it and had agreed to be Tsubaki's Eve which the male was glad to have not only a master but also a friend he could trust.

The two were just walking back from their trip to the market when suddenly, screams could be heard and their eyes widen. Tsubaki grabbed Alexi's hand and started running towards the clinic.

Eyes now filled with tears as the sight of the demolished build was in front of her. The body of a lifeless man in the center.

"This.. This can't be true...this can't..."

A loud gasp escaped her lips as she woke up from her dream.

Tears were falling down ger cheeks. She quickly wipe it off her face.

"Al-chan?! Whats the matter?!" A concern voice ask.

Soon a pair of arms wrapped around her pulling her into a hug.

Alexi let out a small sigh as she rested her head on his chest.

"Its okay...its okay.." he stated rubbing her back.

"Its just a bad dream...."

End Of Chapter

It sounded better in my head....sigh XD oh well! I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry if it sucks.

Oi! Chapter 2 of your story should be this long...okay!!??

UPDATED 04/19/2020

yooo! It's been awhile lol :> anyways I'm backkk and I'm probably going to try and finish this story cuz why not? Lol anyways! I'm just going to fix a few things here and there and might start the newest chapters after I'm done!

I'm probably going to change the plots from the original one in planned since I kinda forgot lol! Well anyways! See ya!

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 | SERVAMP Where stories live. Discover now