Part 1

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(y/n)- your name

I went to school as normal and my friend Chelsea came up to me and said, " Hey (y/n)! I'm going to see the nightly doubly tonight with Soda, you wanna come?"

I cringed at the mention of Chelsea's boyfriend. They had been dating for a while now, but since society considered us Socs they are the talk of the town. Greasers and Socs , I hate these titles. But against my conscience I said, " Ya, sure." Mostly because me and Chelsea always go, but Soda hasn't ever come with us.

I walked home with Chelsea and waved goodbye. Then I started getting ready for the movie. After a while Soda showed up without Chelsea and said, "hi, (y/n) umm Chelsea told me to meet her here."

"That's ok" I said hoping Chelsea got there that second. Before I could offer him a seat a boy, probably 17, walked in to my house without asking and said, "Hey Soda, I'm gonna come with you and Chelsea to the movie, k." I saw Soda roll his eyes obviously accustomed to his behavior.

"Oh!" Soda said abruptly, "This is Dally."

"Hi" I said very awkwardly.

He gave me a sly smile and said, "Damn! How bout a double date?" I blushed so rapidly as I realized who this person is. This is Dallas Winston, the bad boy, grease, and fuckboy that everyone talks about.

He walked over to me obviously seeing my blush and he put his arm around me. My brother came downstairs because he heard talking and saw Dally with his arm around me. He immediately pushed us apart and I realized that he also knew Dallys reputation. After a minute of so of him looking like he was going to kill Dally, he gave me a glare and almost started to lecture me about who Dally is and what he's known for, but was cut short by Chelsea walking in. She was very confused with what was going on but shrugged it off and said, "Come on let's go."

The walk to the movies was very awkward and halfway through I saw my ex's car pulling up to us. I rolled my eyes but I am not surprised that he came. My ex has wanted me back for three months now and I am quite frankly tired of this. He pulled up and said, "Hey (y/n) you look like you need a kiss." I quickly realized that he was completely drunk. I was about to tell him off when I felt a pair a lips on mine stoping the words from coming out of my mouth. And it didn't stop for at least 30 seconds. When I looked up to who kissed me, I saw Dally giving me his usual sly smile.

Then Dally said, "I've got it covered." My ex froze and looked just as surprised as I was. Dally took my hand and all of us continued walking, leaving a frozen soc behind us. When I got there me and Chelsea bought our tickets, but when I looked behind me Dally and Soda were gone.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"They never pay, it's too law abiding for them." she said like its normal to be like that.

As the movie started Dally and Soda appeared, Soda sat next to Chelsea but as I hoped not Dally sat next to me. He put his arm around me again.

"Gotta make sure he believes us." he said.

"I think you forgot that I'm a Soc" I whispered.

"And?" Dally said back giving me that sly grin again.

Dallas Winston ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now