20 minutes later

"AGHH I cant!"Paige said as she hopped off of her bike, "Im going to sleep. See you guys later."

"Paige really?" Finn said to her.

"Im not doing it anymore. I dont want too." she said as her voice broke.

"Come on, get back onto the bike." Roman said.

"NO I CANT!" she broke down, "Its too much!"

"Paige." a producer said, "If you cant complete this stage, you'll be disqualified from the competition."

She stared at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Fuuuuck..." she whined and mounted the bike again.

She placed her head back onto the bars and kept crying.

VC-Paige-Im very emotional when im not fed. If I had a sandwhich id definitely have my head in the game.

Finishing Results-

Finn- 1hr 1min

Roman- 1hr 23mins

AJ- 1hr 35 mins

Charlotte- 1hr 40 mins

Paige- 1hr 50 mins

Brie- 2hrs 20 mins.

The Next Morning

Hunter returned to the camp site bright and early the next morning. He peered his head into the tent and saw everyone laying on their sleeping bags, sleeping like babies.

"Wake up guys!" he shook the tent.

AJ shot up, "What the--oh....its you."

"Get everyone up, tell them get dressed and to meet me outside for stage 5."

AJ laid right back down and shut his eyes.

VC-AJ- Go to hell Hunter. Its 6 in the morning, go away.

Eventually everyone got up and put their gear on.

They had their coffee and redbulls and then went to see Hunter.

"Morning guys....Finn? You awake?" he asked Finn who was standing there with his eyes closed.

He nodded slowly.

"Okay then. Welcome to your 5th stage. As a treat, we have prepared breakfast for you guys. Dont worry, theyre very rich in nutrients. You'll be racing down this mountain trail until you come across the breakfast buffet we set out for you. There are 6 plates of food, one for each of you.Your goal is to eat everything on the plate and then immediately begin stage 6 which is to summit the volcano right there, also known as Villarica."


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