09 on hold

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Hey guys!

Not going to beat around the bush here -- I'm taking another break to get caught up.  School has been handing me my rear end, and despite thinking I'd have 09 up today.... it didn't happen.

I'm really sorry for such a sporadic update schedule -- I really am trying to get back into the swing of things, but it's been incredibly difficult.

In the meantime, if any of you are interested, there are 2 Spotify playlists for this work -- a general playlist for the story, as well as a playlist for Kaethe -- and they can be accessed via the link to my Spotify profile.

Have a good weekend, everyone, and I'll have something for you next week!

Update: not going to update tonight, I haven't had time to write sufficiently and need to hammer out something cohesive.  I'll probably update by tomorrow afternoon.

Update 2: I'm going to wait until next Friday to upload 9 so I can get ahead.  My apologies, everyone -- thank you for being patient and continuing to stand by!

Update 3: Alright, confession time.  I don't think I'm going to be able to upload 9 this Friday, unfortunately -- I've been ultra-swamped with school of late, and I need another weekend to fine-tune and edit :(( I'm really sorry, guys.  Once again, thank you for remaining patient!

Update 4: .... mcheck.  It has been way too long since I've updated this.  Y'all, I am so sorry for leaving you on such a major cliffhanger for so long.  9 still isn't ready yet, unfortunately -- the last couple months of this semester were incredibly hellish, and I've had little to no time/energy/motivation/etc to write at all up until the last few weeks.  Seeing as how I've finally begun to recuperate and get back into the swing of things, I'm finally going to go back and keep working on this.  Thank you all for being so patient and understanding, and thank you for reading!  Cheers! xx

-- Skittles xx

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