Chapter 1 - I think I'm going to like it here - Part 1

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3rd Persons P.O.V.


“This makes no sense.” Sam frowns, “I mean, how many angels fell? Hundreds? Thousands? And nobody sees anything? This is… Look at this.” He puts his mono voice on, “They call it meteor shower. Seriously?”

His concerned gaze shifts from the newspaper to Dean.

“What’s going on man, you okay?”

“Me?” Dean moves his head and looks at Sam. “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s just-“ Sam interrupts Dean, while Dean is still concentrating on the road.

“It’s just we got a…Major…. Freaking feast crap on our hands, yeah tell me about it.” Sam raises his eyebrows. “Thousands of super powered dicks touching down and we got no idea where to start.”

Dean lets out a breath, “Angels aren’t our problem right now okay? Or demons, or Metatron, Or whatever the hell happened to Cas.”

“Why because we hugged it out in that Church and… And now were going to go to DisneyLand?” Sam asks sarcastically. “Dean, you said it yourself, we’re not going to sleep until it’s done.”

“I know.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“Guys.” Madeleine finally says something, “Calm it.”

After a long pause Dean replies, “You… Look there is no easy way of saying this. But something happened down there.. In the Church, and I don’t know what, and I don’t know why.” After another pause Dean replied, “You’re dying Sam.”

Sam looks at his older brother, confused written on his face, “Shut up.”

Dean glares at Sam.



Madeleine P.O.V



Dean examines his unconscious brother, who is laying on the hospital bed, and the only thing keeping him calm is Sam’s heartbeat and me. He turns his head where the TV is placed. GLOBAL METEOR SHOWER, in big capital letters, written in one of the corners. While the video is playing of the angels falling down from heaven.

A small brown haired lady walks in a room, with her white hospital uniform. Holding something in her hands, “Excuse me sir, are you Sam’s brother? Dean?” she asks, fully ignoring me.

His gaze shifts and nods at the small lady.

“Well I have your brothers MRI and if you don’t mind I would like to put them on the wall, please.” She politely asks.

“Go ahead,” His raspy voice replies.

Her small frame makes its way to the wall, and there is some sort of a lamp, that is hanging on the wall. She carefully places the pictures on the lamp, and they stick to it. The nurse turns around and leaves the room silently closing the doors behind her.

Dean pushes himself of the metal chair, and slowly walks up to the MRI pictures, silently examining the black and blue view.

“Dean-“ I start.

“What?” He snaps. “I’m sorry, it’s just all of this happening, and, Cas, angels falling, and Crowley.” His apologetic eyes look at me, the sides of my lips pull up as if trying to smile at him.

A dark skinned doctor walks in the room, and starts explaining everything to us.

“The MRI shows massive internal burns affecting many of the major organs, oxygen to the brain has been severely deprived.” While he is still writing something with the black pen he has his grip on, examining the person who is laying on the bed.

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