Choti Laad Governor

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She removed the curtains aside to let the sun rays fall in and reach the face of that sleeping angel in her taekwondo poses.

Turning again and having a look at her, Khushi's lips curved up. She sighed at her view.

Just then Payal entered in who was passing by and saw her sister gazing at her niece. She was really someone to glare at. The weird combination of her mad sister with her rude brother-in-law Arnavji came out to be a perfect one. They had created someone beyond everyone's imagination. Khushi's milky white complexion and her small nose mixed with Arnav's dark brown eyes, brows and his juicy lips originated a heavenly beauty. Arushi described the word beautifulnew.

Payal admired her dormant niece. In her entire life, she hadn't seen someone like her anywhere. Her gaze was turned to see her mother, doing the same.

"She looks just like you when she sleeps." Payal appreciated looking at Arushi.

"Hmm..." She hummed nodding with motherly proud. "She looks really sweet. Just like a Jalebi." But soon her face fell at seeing her Jalebi slowly moving and opening her eyes. There she let out her little frustration with gritted teeth. "Only when she wakes up, she proves she's that Laad Governor's daughter."

Payal smiled and smacked her lightly on her head. "Paagal."

She knew how happy Arnav was to have a daughter. He always said she would be like his Khushi but soon they had to face the reality that Arnavs genes outweighed. Khushi then stopped calling her Jalebi and Puri Kumari but instead Choti Laad Governor.

"Good Morning!" Just like her father, she greeted these two women in a low husky voice. The sounds of their bangles and her mothers anklets had waken her up.

"Good Morning Arushi beta." Just as Payal wished back, she again got lost in her thoughts as Arushi pulled the quilt aside and stood up in her loose t-shirt that almost covered her shorts deceiving the eyes that she didn't wear anything down. Her tall legs and her very slim figure with almost Arnav's height left the all the models and actresses behind. She was a perfection created by god himself. If only her mother didn't have a problem with her all the time.

"Good Morning Mom." Arushi repeated her greeting for Khushi who just twisted her mouth and went out of the room.

Her eyes roamed back to her aunt who laughed at her sister's childish behavior shaking her head.

"Is she still angry with me?" There she heard it again. No difference between her and Arnav's way of talking. The same narrowed eyes with that blank expression set up while her lips moved fast yet nearly missing to see them varying.

"You know your mother. She is so! Feed her with Jalebis and everything will be alright again." Payal chuckled at her suggestion to see her rolling her eyes and smirking, just like her beloved father.

After few seconds of silence, Payal realized she need to go down again. She needs to prepare breakfast.

Everyone were sitting on the dinning table when the Raizada daughter-in-laws were placing the food there and and a slender form in a violett trouser with a white sleeveless top in a pair of bellerinas walked down the stairs.

"Good Morning Dad." She took seat beside him after placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Good Morning." Arnav replied lightly looking back at Khushi who attempted to ignore the father-daughter duo.

"Good Morning everyone." Waving a slight hello to the rest of the family she sat quiet looking at her mother and waiting for her to serve them like everyday.

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