Your Girl Kate Connor

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Kate Connor. The girl everybody loves on the street. She's known for her cheeky dimpled smile and contagious laugh, always making everyone around her smile.

Kate grew up in Spain with her Dad. She'd not long moved back to the UK, back to Weatherfield. Her home life style was always calm and happy, she had that open relationship with her parents like any child would wish for. She never lived with secrets. Any problems she had, she dealt with due to support from her family.

Kate lost her mom went she was quite young, this brought her family closer together, a tighter unit. This played a big part when she came out.

She realised she was gay in her early teens. When guys would approach her or show any interest, she just felt disgust and never anything back, this is how she just knew deep down. It was never really questionable for Kate, she was confident in herself- the reassurance she had knowing she had a supportive family made everything just so simple and easy for her.

Kate leads a simple life in Weatherfield as a waitress at a Bistro, managed by her cousin Michelle. She is a right gym freak, anyone could tell just by looking at her toned arm muscles and ridiculously defined abs- she doesn't let anyone forget about them. Her flat mates (Alya and Luke) never hear the end of her and her gym stories. It is kind of adorable at the same time too.

She's never had any luck with relationships, she doesn't think she's ever really been in love, even though she was once engaged. Oops. Kate is never out searching for a relationships, she loves living life on the wild side, taking everything as it comes, this is why everyone loves Kate.

Will this all change for Kate soon?

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