CHAPTER 2: Safe haven.

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Kat’s POV

It was my first day at school again after having a three-day break just the day after I get to know Lorence. The guy I met on the open field Thursday evening. It’s weird how I ended up here that night but what’s bugging me is that who he ended up the same place I did. Before minutes of pondering about it though, I never thought of it again.

Crazy how this school could be so loud during the day. And how kids would talk as loud as they can along the corridors. It’s a sight I always get tired of looking at. The same bunch of people every single morning.

Before entering the classroom I received a message from my dad saying I should go home early for dinner. I didn’t even bother to reply. As if saying no would do. Before I could even sit, Kezia went to me right away. “Why weren’t you answering my calls?” I hugged her tight. “I’m sorry. Did I make you worry?” she rolled her eyes. “Obviously!” I smiled at her. “I am fine. I just need to shut things temporarily. But I’m fine! See.” I pinched my nose and ears to make he believe.

“When will you heart heal though?” she asked with a trace of sadness. I let out a sigh. And smiled at her to tell her everything is fine. Well, it will be—soon enough.

“Oh! During the last days you were out, there are lot’s of things that happened.” She seemed excited to tell the news I needed to catch up on but is also alarmed. “Remember my science buddy Paul? His best friend got involved in a crucial car accident. There were no private property casualties though, but his dad…” Her voice trailed off. “He was brought in the hospital Thursday night at 9 pm but his father barely made it.” Kezia leaned on the wall fidgeting on her phone. “Paul said his best friend is in a serious condition. He told me it was actually 40/50. If that’s even possible.”

My brows chained. I felt bad. The feeling of losing someone sank to me again. “It has been three days after the accident? I’m sure he’s doing fine now.” I tried being the optimistic one between us but failed. “Paul said they are still waiting for his best friend’s response on the current open-brain surgery. The other day he told me, the other surgical operations were a success. But his brain isn’t responding well like what the doctors expected.”

“Seems like you’re really into the news huh?” I need to say something at least right? “Well everyone in our batch knows about it. They’re still into fund raisings up until now. I can’t believe the poor guy lost his father and might also be losing himself.” Kezia’s words made me think otherwise. “He fights for it.” I blurted out of the blue. “What?” I looked at Kezia’s confused face. “I mean, he wouldn’t last three days long after the accident if he doesn’t fight for it right? Besides, you friend Paul already told you, his friend’s surgical procedures went well. Aside from his brain response, there’s nothing more to worry about. Right?”

Kezia’s confused face tries to find the light on what I was saying but she hoped for the best also. After I lost my mother, I realized that it’s easier for me to comfort others who are in pain than aid on mine. Maybe it just goes to show that it’s easier to sympathize with other’s burden than to accept that you’re suffering as well.

The classes went by smoothly. Time passed by faster than I thought. When I turned to walk out of the classroom for lunch, I realized that it’s not only Kezia who’s really into the car accident news involving one of our batch mate. It’s really a talk of the town.

I never would want to figure out much about what happened anymore since I also have a problem to fix myself. There’s no place for another one. Kezia didn’t come with me for lunch. She said she’ll just catch up later in the classroom instead. I let her do what she wanted and went to the cafeteria all by myself.

Preoccupied about things, thoughts of Thursday night came rushing at the back of my memory. I suddenly thought about Lorence and why I haven’t seen him around yet. A spoon full of stew would remove my nonsense thoughts.

The day went by and the fear of being at home again creeps under my skin. I don’t want to feel alone again. Nothing in that house brings back wonderful memories. “Kat, are you still staying?” I turned around to see other kids cleaning up the room already. “I guess I’ll go help them clean for awhile. I’ll text you once I got home.” Kezia seemed to buy my excuse so she left with a wave of goodbye.

If I could stay here for the night again—a brilliant thought. After the kids finally ended up cleaning, I volunteered to bring back the mops and brooms to the storage. They happily agreed and were excited to finally go back home. One of the kids volunteered to help me but I told her I am fine.

After I finished, the halls were then again silent and what’s left of the sun shine a dim light before night finally takes over. I grabbed my things and went to the open field. Staying here makes me forget about home, about mom, about dad, makes me forget about pain. And I am pleased.

As I am looking at a very far horizon, a soccer ball rolled beside me hitting my ankle. I guess the school’s soccer team is still having their practice. They’re really working hard. But when I looked up at the person who grabbed the ball, it wasn’t a varsity player. It was Lorence. With a smile he greeted.

“It’s your hobby to stay late here?” I asked as he plays with the soccer ball between his feet. “No. I just don’t have a choice but to stay.” He strikes up a kick but the ball didn’t go farther. He wore the same jeans and shirt last Thursday. But since he’s a guy, I never made a big deal out of it. My mom always scolds dad for always wearing the same shirt whenever he gets to stay at home. Maybe guys really are like that. They don’t care about what they look.

“Are you not going home yet?” he asked as he takes a seat not too far away from mine. “I have a lift so it doesn’t matter what time of the hour I’ll go home.” I brought out my notes to see if there are things I need to accomplish. Thankfully, there are none. I could waste my time here in this silence.

Come to think of it, I have still lots of questions regarding this guy’s identity. “How come I never get to see you around a while ago?” he relaxed his feet but shifted to cross his legs. “What? But I saw you.” My brows chained. How come I didn’t see him? “Every where I go I always look around. How come you saw me but I didn’t see you?” with a nervous smile he said, “maybe you’re not just paying attention. Everyone’s actually talking about me.” my brows furrowed to his statement. “What do you mean?” he laughed. Is he some kind of a school celebrity?

“Never mind. I am just acting famous. I always wanted feel how it’s like to be one.” His eyes met the skies as I looked down. “Never have I experienced talking to anyone aside from my best friend you know? I never thought talking to other people could bring out feelings. Hope I guess.” I glanced at him to see if he really means it. I looked away when I saw that he does.

His words were deep I was scared it would remain in me. It’s full of thoughts. Are we feeling the same exact thing? Is it the reason why he remains in the school because he wants to run away from something as well like I do?

Before I could ask him my thoughts, he started to walk away the way he did when we first met. “I’ll definitely see you around right?” he looked back at me. With a smile he answered, “You definitely will.”

Before I hopped into the car and start the ignition, it made sense to me that no matter how hard it is for me to face reality, the skies will always have its way to shower me with blessings. I smiled at my thoughts. It wasn’t the silence that I find in this school every night that makes me feel more at ease, it’s the hope inside me that every time I sit on one of the open field’s cold benches, the warmth of Lorence’s presence will always come around.

I don’t know what it is that I really feel, but he I know is my safe haven.

The One Who Leftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن