I am sorry

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"Son... I hear the things you say,but my mind can't process it to well. I mean, what do you mean,you kinda have a crush on me?" I just stared into his face,not knowing what to say.
"What I mean is... I need help. I need something. Idk what I mean anymore,I just..."
3 person POV
And with those words he walked over to Washingtons table grabbed his pistol,and shot himself in the side. Blood ran down from the corner of his mouth as he fell to the ground.
Wash. POV
I asked Hamilton a meer question and he struggled to answer,then he grabbed my pistol and shot himself. As he fell unconscious,his dark brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail came lose, as little locks of hair flew everywhere as he fell,some specks of blood flew up and got in his hair. When he hit the ground with a thud a pool of blood formed around his wound. I didn't know what to do. It was like I was frozen to the spot. Trembling,I bent down and with on finger,touched his cheek. Warm. But just a little. I grabbed my first aid kit,(I know that they don't have first aid kits in the 17th century,but I am just pretending that they are in this century. No they will not have nucs and bombs. Sorry if that's what you wanted.)
bent down by his side and tried my best. At least I got the bullet out. But when I was cleaning his wound he mumbled something:"does he really love me or was he just doing that to make me shut up?" (Do ya guys remember that from the first chapter? If not then you have a terrible memory!")
That made me blush really hard.
Finally,when I finished I put my stuff away and just sat on the ground and waited. After a few minutes he finally woke up." Why did you help me?!" he asked me angrily. "Well I really didn't want my first right hand man to die. And why did you do that?!"I asked him calmly. "Well did you not see me struggling there?! The only option left to do was to get hurt or die!" "Hamilton that is not true." "Do you?" "Do I what?" "Do you love me?" "Hamilton if I didn't do you think I would have kissed you?" "Maybe. I don't know if your a whore like me!" "Hamilton we both know we are both NOT whores!" "WELL MAYBE I AM!!" (I forgot to tell you but Hamilton was standing up during this argument.)
Alexanders POV
I looked down again tears filling my eyes. Every time I confess that to someone I always think of my father. "Hamilton your upset. Why?" "I-it's just that every time I c-confess that to someone I t-think of my f-father." Then I just started bawling my eyes out.

Alexander Hamilton x George Washington Where stories live. Discover now