I love you

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It was a normal day at the Mikage shrine. Mikage was looking for his familiar Tomoe.

"Where is he?" Mikage wondered. He checked the fox's room. "Tomoe?" He got no answer.

Next he checked his own room and found a naked Tomoe in his bed asleep.

"Oh." He smiled and walked over. "How did you end up like this." He sat down next to the sleeping fox.

Tomoe opened his eyes and looked at his master. "Good morning."

"Good morning Tomoe. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." He sat up and instantly felt the cool air hit his skin. He looks down. "Ah! Why am I naked!?!"

"You tell me."

"You did something to me last night didn't you!?!"

The god chuckled. "You shouldn't assume things Tomoe~" he pulled the nude fox into his lap and ran his hands up his sides. "I haven't touched you like that yet~"

Tomoe blushed. "W-what are you doing!?!"

"Shh. You have been teasing quite a bit Tomoe~" Mikage smirked. "I think it's time I act on my desires~"


"Hush~" he kissed him and laid him back.

Tomoe kissed back blushing darkly. "Mmmm~"


"M-Mikage~" Tomoe moaned as Mikage kept teasing his entrance with his index finger. "Quit teasing me~"

The god smirked and entered his finger causing the fox to arch his back and cry out in pain and pleasure.


"My look how tight you are~"

"I-its my first time!~"

"I'm honored to be your first~" he added a second finger and began scissoring stretching him out preparing him for what is to come.

"Oh!~" Tomoe was blushing and moaning like mad. "M-more please!~"

Mikage removed his fingers and licked them. "Sweet~" he positioned himself and thrusted in.

Tomoe arched back and cried out in pain. "I-it hurts!"

"It won't soon enough~" he went slow and deep.


"Tomoe~ I love you Tomoe~"

"I love you too!~" he blushed darkly and closed his eyes.

The two kissed as they moved together as one. Love between a god and his familiar was considered taboo. However they didn't care. They would love each other til the end of time.

"Ah!~ f-faster!~"

Mikage smirked and went faster and harder hitting his prostate.


"Tomoe~" his thrusts eventually became sloppy.


"Me too!~"

Both cummed moaning each other's names.


Tomoe laid there with his eyes closed in Mikage's arms. "I love you~"

The god smiled. "I love you too~"

Eventually the two fell alseep. They knew they were committing a horrible taboo but they didn't care. They would love each other til the end of time.



How about that huh!?! My first yaoi in like forever!! I'm a bit Rusty I know.


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