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((Hello Everyone! Little editor's note here, I strongly encourage that you leave a comment reviewing this story, whether it be good or bad! This is my first project and I'd love to know what I can to do make this better. Also, feel free to private message me any recommendations you have for the story, if I get some that can fit with the plot, I will try my best to work them in! That is all, Thanks for reading!))

"Get back here!" my mother yelled impatiently "How many times have I told you to not go near the light?"

This was an everyday occurrence for me, all because I don't believe in the creatures that supposedly live in the light.

Humans have feared the light since the beginning of our existence, we've clung to the shadows for protection. I was told as a kid in school that humans once had eyes of all colors and rounded pupils, (Not to mention being constantly warned about the "evils" that dwell in the light) but have since adapted to the dark life, now having colorless eyes and slit pupils, that is, except me, with my bright red eyes, surrounded by inky black.

Everyday I'm called a freak, and everyday I'm degraded, avoided, sometimes even beaten because of my brown hair, as opposed to the normal blonde or white, and my peculiar eyes.

No one knows why I was born with eyes like I was, nor do I know why I'm so fascinated with the light, but what I do know is that I am Estena Nightshade, and I do not fear the light.

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