The Hidden Power

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I stared at Cass with a look of utter shock. "Different?" I shouted with excitement in my voice. "Different! That is beyond different! Th-That is incredible! Absolutely amazing!". I turned and faced Ix. "Thank you! I don't even know what to say other than thank you." A slight smile spread across his face. "But, how did you do that? How is that possible?" I asked as my voice filled with wonder.

"Practice, although, you should already know how it's possible." A smirk curled his lips as he chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously. What in the world was he talking about? Unless he was referring to what happened earlier...No, there was no way he could know...

"You know what exactly what I mean, Estena. Does an event with an Enforcer ring a bell?" Another chuckle. "Except, you have no idea how to control it, do you?"

"H-how do you know about that?" My shock turned quickly to anger and whipped around to face Cass. "What did you tell him?" Fury dripped from my words as I stared him down.

"Nothing I swear!" He said with a panicked tone. His voice calmed as he said. "I told you Ix was different, special would have been a better word in all honesty. He has a way of knowing things that no one really understands. One of his many talents, which still seem to amaze me."

I turned back to Ix. "Seems you actually know more about it than I do." I look down for a brief moment then back up, directly at Ix's glasses, my jaw set in a stern expression. "You were right, I have absolutely no idea how to control it, as a matter of fact, I don't even know how it happens, it has never happened before." My expression softens and I look at him hopefully. "Could you help me understand it? Perhaps even control it? I have a feeling it will come in handy."

"Yes, I suppose I could, but I have no idea whether or not we can control it," A rainbow of dark colors, seemingly centered around red, danced behind his glasses, "or whether or not it will hurt you."

With that last sentence I heard Cass gasp from behind me, but none of it matter to me. He said he could help me control it, I had never been anything special before, but now I have these, these powers? I never would have believed it. "Where would we do this? My, um, training?" I asked Ix, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice

A sly smile appeared on his face. "I thought that you would never ask. Come, this way." He turned and walked out of the room. I followed quickly behind and soon heard Castrian's footsteps behind me. Ix led us past the same rooms as when we entered, but then turned down a hall I didn't notice before. The hall continued for quite some time, and was dimly lit. After quite a while we emerged into a small room with nothing in it, no door or anything, just a dim light hanging from the ceiling. "Watch this." I looked over at Cass and he shrugged at me, obviously as clueless as I. We both watched as Ix raised his right hand and a light green light came forth from his entire hand. He then took first finger, with which he traced the outline of a door frame then placed his hand in the center, leaving behind a hand print. He stepped away from the door, and as he did, the outlined section of wall slid downward, revealing an elevator.

"Did you know about this?" I whisper to Cass. He shook his head at me, a sloshing mixture of fear and excitement clearly evident, based on what I was feeling I can only assume my face nearly mirrored his. Ix stepped into the elevator and motioned for us to join him in there. We stepped in, slightly crowded together in the small space, and watched as the doors slid shut. I felt a slight jolt as the elevator began a smooth descent which continued for quite some time. The entire ride carried out in complete silence, but the air was heavy with anticipation. After a short while, the elevator slowly came to a stop and the doors slowly slid open. Once my eyes adjusted to the bright white that cut through the dim light of the elevator and I saw what lay before me, words escaped me and instead, there was only an astonished gasp.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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