The Fog of Shadows

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The Fog of Shadows

I just quit my job at the hospitals physic ward. The reason why I quit I would rather not share at this moment in time.
A few months after I quit working for the hospital I got hired to work at a restaurant. Everyone there kept asking about the mysterious scars on my neck. I told them the story and they all seemed to be a little discombobulated, but at the same time they wanted to believe what I was telling them.
My boss hired me to work five days a week, meaning I worked from Monday to Friday each week unless something urgent popped up. My paycheck was about 300 dollars a month, minus the tax of course. Most of the paychecks I receive go towards food shopping, house expenses and other things I might need. On my weekends I normally hang out at home inside or with my friends. The only time I go out on the weekends is when I go and see my priest on Saturdays.
About a year into my new job at the restaurant I went to my priests’ church for my weekly blessing. To find out, within the past week the priest had passed away. Luckily there was another priest there to perform the same blessing. I went home afterwards, and it was a weekend to sleep in. I surely enjoyed that well deserved rest.
I awoke Sunday morning around 5:30. It was still dark outside and it looked ominous, there was fog forming slowly out my window. I decided to get up and get myself some water, but when I tried to move, I couldn’t. It felt like I was being physically being held down. That’s when I heard the all too familiar voice.
This voice was deep and dark. It came from the left corner of the room beside my bed. “I will still get you! Eventually, young child.” The voice echoed through the whole room. By this time, I was 20 years old, and I had moved out of my old house. I tried to move again, and I was released. I jolted upright and looked around the room for the source of the voice. I found nothing.
By 10 a.m. the fog outside still hadn’t resided back to its dungeon of darkness. The outside was still as black as night. I only went outside once to get my mail, but after that I decided to stay inside.
By noon my mind was churning questions about this mysterious fog. I kept trying to get ahold of the sheriff, but my electricity and reception was blocked. My house, and cell phones didn’t work, probably due to this dang fog.
Shortly after 12:30, I decided that I should go out and get the police myself. When I got my jacket on, I froze. There was rustling behind me. My mind went instantly to the previous night, and my sleep paralysis episode, and the creepy voice of the shadow creature.
When I gathered up the courage to step outside I felt relieved when I shut my front door. Sure, the beast was inside, but who knows what was awaiting me in the misty fog. Right away I began to hear things, and by, “things” I mean abnormal sounds. Multiple growls, and hissing cats. At least what I thought were cats. I started walking the short distance to the police station, and when I arrived there was no one there.
I must’ve checked the station ten or more times, but nothing turned up. The voice popped up into my head again and echoed, “they can’t help you. They can’t see what you can see.” I simply shook the voice away, and decided to walk to where I thought where it all started. The hospital.
The hospital was hard to find in the dark mist, but eventually it showed up. The closer I got to the hospital the thicker the fog started to feel, and the ambiance was just as creepy as when I worked there. I opened the doors and entered the halls of the hospital.
The halls were filled with an even denser version of the fog outside. I kept seeing things out of the corners of my eyes. The objects were darker than the fog itself. Although the feature that stood out the most on these objects was the eyes. Those deep red glowing sockets.
The more I walked towards the ward the thicker the fog became, at one point I had to stop to get a face mask, so I wouldn’t feel like I was inhaling water. At the ward I found the room that the children had disappeared in all those years ago. The room was glowing a bright red. I entered the room with caution.
Upon me entering the room, I instantly heard the voice circle me. “You found my lair. Have you come to accept you fate?” the voice echoed once again. I paused and looked around me, the shadows were stalking me from behind. The shadow beast walked up in front of me and looked up with those red glowing sockets.
I wasn’t afraid of the beast. I’ve survived his wrath before. “Your end is near.” He echoed. “What do you mean my end is near? Didn’t you already try that once?” I asked intently. The shadows circled me once again, “I mean your permanent demise, and who knows.” I didn’t want to ask any more questions for my own safety. The shadows started to gather around me once again, except this time they began to growl even louder than they had done before. That’s when I awoke screaming.
I woke up in a padded room. I was in a straight jacket and sitting bolt upright on a small cot in the corner of the room. It was all a dream. Just a horrifying, ominous and deadly dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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