Chapter 4

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As we arrive at my building, he opens the door to his car and waits for me at the entrance. I get out and start shivering at the cold wind hitting my bear legs.

I take out my keys and open the glass door. As I open the door to my apartment, I turn on the lights on and grab Leo's arm, pulling him toward the bathroom.

"Sit down, stay still and don't talk. " I say as I bend down in front of the sink and take out the tools, cotton balls and disinfectant to cure his bloody lip and swollen eye.

"Wooow, if your going to be a doctor I rather not be around when you cure your patients" As I turn around to scowl at him, he laughs and gasps again.

I head over to him and start to wet a towel to clean the dirt from his face.

He gasps suddenly when I reach for his eye and takes my hand away.

"Leo please let me do this, I know it hurts but stop being a baby" As I try to reach for his face again he rolls his eyes, but let's me clean it.

As I finish disinfecting his lip, I start to put away the tools, but then remember...

"Hey Leo?"


"Thank you"

"For what?" He says as he washes his bloody knuckles.

"For tonight... Certain it wasn't the best night of my life but thank you... for sticking up for me"

I finish cleaning up the room and as I get on my feet, Leo grabs my hand and pulls me to him until we are face face, inches away from each other.

"I would do anything for you" He whispers and  I can feel his breath on my face and my heart again, starts pounding deadly against my rib cage.

"Leo... I don't think this is a good idea" I say as I pull my hand away from his.

"Why not! Mia I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I like you a lot. And I know you like me... can't we just be together for god's sake!" He says as he puts his hand through his hair frustrated.

"You know why I don't want to! It's just not the right time now okay? You're leaving in two weeks! And who knows when you'll might be back, I have to work on getting my PhD right now and that's it!"

"Mia, I'll come back" He says as his face turns pale and eyes start to water.

"Yeah well, you're going to Japan not Texas. You don't know when you will be back. And I understand... I wouldn't give up a job offer at a hospital in Japan either. It's your future. I just don't want to stand in the way." I slowly grab his hands as he stares at me.

"Leo, I'm sorry" As I say these painful words he suddenly recovers, takes his jacket and steps out of the bathroom and out the door in seconds.

Hey guys I really hope you like so far, but don't worry the plot hasn't arrived yet! So I hope you'll stick around for that!

Please vote, comment and like. _ Ila

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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