Chapter 2

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I can't believe he bought me the puppy for my birthday! I'm so excited. He has gorgeous ice blue eyes, he is just so flipping cute. "Why, how, oh my god! Thank you so much!!" I say with a big smile on my face. He sets Salem on the floor and he automatically runs to me and jumps up at me, when I pick him up, he starts licking my face. "Haha eww, that is so gross" I say as I pull him away and smile at Salem. "His things are in the passenger side of the truck, we can go get them after dinner, and he is actually a shepherd and wolf dog hybrid, that's why he was as cheep as he was, owners thought he was just a mutt and that he was dangerous."Adam said as he started walking into the kitchen. I put Salem down, but it does no good because he follows me into the kitchen. I can already tell he is going to be a very loyal dog. I can even go on runs with him and it probably wont bother him any. Sitting down at the table I say, "Did you know about this Drew?" I ask. "I did, he asked me not to say anything so I didn't tell you". He says and he stuffs a fork full of food into his mouth as Salem lays down on the floor and begs. "No Salem, no beg." I say with a stern voice and he actually listens to me and puts his head down and just lays there. "He seems very loyal to you Mands." Adam says opening up his monster. "Yeah, it's kind of surprising actually. You would think that he would be more stubborn, but I guess not." I mumble. "I'm sure that if we train him, he will be a very well behaved dog." Drew said while getting up and clearing the table once everyone was done eating. "I'll help you with the dishes Drew" I said getting up and walking over to the sink."Adam can you go get Salem's stuff? I'll put everything away once I am done with the dishes. "Yeah, and then I have to go out, I recently got a job to help pay for everything. We can't always rely on mum and dad." He says walking out the kitchen.

With Adam gone at his new job, it's now just me, Drew, and the puppy. "So, I can help you un-pack your stuff if you want me to.." I say while drying a bowl and setting it in the cabinet. "Uh, sure, I guess I could use some help. I just don't have a lot of things though."He says drying his hands because the dishes are now done. "Okay, I'm going to get Salem's stuff put away and everything, and then I'll be upstairs to help you." I mumble while walking to the front door and sliding on my shoes. I hear Salem following me, without turning around I say "No Salem, stay here. Ill be back in a minute." He sits down and pouts, I feel bad so I let him come with me anyway, and he stayed right by my side.

After putting all of Salem's things away, I head upstairs to help Drew. Knocking on his door, I hear a muffled "Come in," so I walk in to find a shirtless Drew standing in the middle of the room staring at me. "Hey." He says and I just stand there. I notice the way his muscle flex every time he moves. I also notice a tattoo on his shoulder. It was a shaded dream catcher. Its not really girly either, I like it. "When did you get that tattoo? I didn't know you had one." I say as I walk in and sit on his bed, Salem runs after me and lays down next to me on the bed. "Couple months ago, don't tell my parents. They don't know I have it haha," He says as he pulls on a wife beater. I laugh quietly and start folding the loose bits of clothing all over his bed. Jeez, boys are so messy sometimes. My room is always clean and orderly, if it gets to messy than its a full on cleaning day. For the whole house even, Adam tries to help but I just tell him to go away cause he gets in the way. He always just laughs and walks away.

After helping Drew I head to my room and get ready for bed, it's been a long day. After getting dressed for bed, I lay down with Salem and we both fall asleep in no time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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