"There you go" I smiled.

"Good, I've wanted one all day"

I winked at him. "I'd be lying if i said i didn't"


Dinner was great.. We laughed almost the whole time. We had a great time.. We decided to lay out on the beach for a while. So here we are looking up at the stars.. holding hands. Perfect night.


I got up and did the usual morning routine. Except i put on my pajamas i had on last summer when me and Liam went to that little cafe. I smiled at the memory. I heard a honk i hope thats not Zayn and Alice trying to get me to go someplace. I opened up the door.

"Liam !! I was supposed to pick you up !!" I yelled playfully.

"I know i know but i wanted to bring you these" He held out red roses.

"Awwwww !!" I got into the car. "They're lovely" I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

He smiled. "So where are we going?"



"Uhh hi can i have a cup of niall please ?" I giggled.

"Coming right up !" Niall said putting a cup in his head.

We laughed as liam walked in.

"I see she ordered niall again her fave" He laughed.

"Liam my man what ya doing here ?"

"I live here bro!"

Turnnn upppp" Niall threw is hand up and fist pumped. We laughed.

"Please Ni don't ever say that again" I giggled. "Anyways ill have the usual"

"I'll have whatever her usual is" Liam said.

"Coming right uppppp" he stuck his tongue out at us.

"Thanks Ni, Come to that table when you get a break."

"Alrighty kitten" He smiled.


"I completely forgot we had on pajamas, i was wondering why people were staring" Liam laughed.

"Awwww babe i just noticed we both put on the pajamas we had on the day we went to the cafe !!"

"We're so awesome !! Besides these are the only ones with powers"

"You suckkkkk" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh Reallyyyy ?!!"


He got up and began to walk away.

"NOOOO DON'T LEAVEEE" I ran after him grabbing his leg.

"Do I still suck ?"

"No you're amazing" I smiled looking up at him. And the way he gazed at me sent my heart fluttering.

I jumped up and hugged him. We stood there until we go our drinks. And then we sat at a table and enjoyed.


After we left Starbucks liam dropped me off and left. We had to get ready for tonight me, liam & all the others (besides zayn & Alice, I don't know if I should invite them) are going out to a party up in new York. Niall invited us.


I curled my hair in loose spiral curls put on high waisted ripped jeans and a red tube top. I decided to put on my gold chain and some bracelets with some red air forces on my feet.

I headed over to Alice's house, I decided to be nice and invite the two. I walked in, of course Zayn is there sitting on the couch. He jumped up excitedly. I held out my hand before he could hug me.

"This doesn't mean I'm talking to you. I wanted to be polite and invite you guys to a party tonight." I said.

"Jade, can we-" Zayn started to say.

"Will you just respect the fact that I'm not ready to talk about anything?! Please. You don't know what it's like to be me so cut me some slack!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"You're right, I'm sorry Jade. Can I just please hug you? I miss you." I heard the sadness in his voice.

I looked up at him, I shouldn't have. I stared and I just couldn't say no.

"Fine" I sighed and held out my arms. We stood there quite a while. "So you coming? Yes? No?"

"Yeah, niall had already called. I guess he doesn't know what's going on huh?"

"Nope, I can't even be mad. Where's Alice?"

"In the shower, she's getting ready."

"Okay well... I uhh.. guess you two can meet me at my place." He grinned "BUT that doesn't mean we'll talk after tonight."


"Just not yet, maybe in a couple days. Or who knows.. maybe not ever after all." I said shrugging.

"I understand a couple weeks, hell even a couple months. But please don't cut us off for good. We're still best friends jade." He said, his eyes pleading.

"I get that, but didn't seem like you cared about being best friends before so why should I now?" I asked. Growing impatient.

"Seriously jade? When did I ever not care?"

"Maybe after I cried and cried over you, you knowing how I felt yet still choose to flirt In front of me before you guys were even dating. And even now I get you guys are together... but I just feel like had it been the other way around I wouldn't be doing certain things in front of you regardless. At least not till you've started to heal. It's like you claim we're best friends yet even as just that she's the only one you notice most of the time." I sighed. "I don't know if you're a good friend for me anymore or if you ever were..."

"Jade please.... I'm sorry. I know I have to do better and I will if you give me the chance" he said voice breaking and eyes on the verge of spilling tears. I fought the urge to wrap my arms around him.

"Look, I'm not cutting you off. But I need some time, that's all I'm saying."

"Take all the time you need love" he said so sweetly it made my heart melt"


Its been a while, but please vote next chapter will be longer I just wanted to upload something. I'll start working on the next chapter asap. VOTEEE!! :P

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