(Cam) Chapter 2

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Hello there! My name is Cameron Smith, but everyone just calls me Cam. Or Ron, depending on my mood. I'm pretty much the stereotype of what you would call a tomboy; I like playing video games, I am one of the most tech-savvy people you will ever meet, and I like making the whole house shake with my electric guitar and drums.

It is Saturday, and my parents are away from home....the perfect time to create mischief in any way possible.

I stood on the front porch step watching Mom's red Lamborghini drive away into the congested traffic of Boston. I put on a smile and waved at my parents sitting in the front seats, but they were preoccupied with the simple task of finding directions on Google (the most complicated way, of course) and didn't even wave to me before they backed out of the driveway and disappeared. I waited until I could no longer see their car, then raced off inside the house.

Our house was a normal, two-story house, with plastic gray siding and regular black shingles covering the roof. If you'd driven by, you would probably not even look at it twice. I always tell myself that I shouldn't take it personally because even if it may look regular and boring, the 14-year-old girl living inside of it was everything but that.

I locked the door behind me as I came inside. Everything was as it should be, placed delicately to perfection. My parents were obsessed with being neat; books on the shelf were arranged in perfect order, papers put in neat stacks on the table, furniture and cabinets recently dusted. I was the exact opposite of neat.

If you ever looked up the meaning of disorganized, you just have to look at me to get your answer (though I will have to say that I was not as messy or weird as Axel was, and that's saying something). My hair was a disheveled mess of magenta curls, my denim jacket was inside-out, and my socks didn't match. This was pretty much my normal casual outfit. A pair of Beats headphones hung around my neck, where they always were, so that at any moment I could put them back on over my ears and escape into the magical world of the internet. In this magical universe, there is one world inside that I would call paradise, and that is...Youtube.

I have a Youtube channel, which is one of my most prized positions in addition to my laptop, desktop, and iPhone. Oh, and did I mention that the headphones were Bluetooth?

I walked into the kitchen. My kitchen was quite an expansive room; cabinets filled with various food items hugged the walls, and a granite covered island stood in the middle of the sea of tiles that made up most of the kitchen's flooring. An oven sat behind the island and against the wall. It was a very normal kitchen.

I crawled quietly to the oven (even though I was the only one in the house, I still acted like there were detectives (parents) that would sniff me out and put me into jail or whatever they do). I shoved the giant hulking box to the side. It was heavy, but not so heavy that it could not be moved. Finally, I got it to budge a little bit more so that I was able to crawl behind it to my Extra Secret Storeroom (ESSR).

The ESSR wasn't much more than a tiny hole cut into the wall behind the oven. It was big enough to fit your hand into, but I wouldn't recommend doing so, because it might get stuck. Disobeying my own recommendation, I put my arm into the ESSR.

Even if the ESSR's entrance looked small, the actual space inside was large. I wedged my arm around pieces of drywall to get into the actual ESSR itself. What I was seeking inside was so deep inside the Extra Secret Storeroom that I had shoved my arm in all the way to my shoulder. I winced as a nail dug into my bare arm and threatened to break my skin. My fingers caught on the edges of a bag, and, smiling, I dragged it out from the depths of the plaster.

As soon as I pulled it from the wall, I felt a pain on my left arm. I looked down and saw, to my dismay, that the nail had cut it. I cursed and walked over to the sink on the opposite side of the room. It felt better instantly as the cool water touched it, washing away the pain with the excess water. Luckily, it wasn't more than a scratch, and the nail hadn't penetrated through my skin. I'm sorry I don't have any more gorey details for you, but if you're looking for gorey stuff, watch The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones.

I rushed to the closet, where I hastily went through the drawers. I grabbed the band-aid box out of the bottom of the cabinet, then rushed back into the kitchen. After all, I had more important things to do than going through the hall closet. I glanced at the clock on the wall, which read 09:59.

I pulled out a relatively large band-aid, then climbed the stairs three at a time. I swung open my room door and practically jumped into my spinning-chair. I booted up the computer, opened my email, started a video call, and then waited for a response.

I sat there for a moment waiting for Micah to answer my call. I remembered him saying that I should call him at 10 o'clock, so where was he? I looked at the clock: 10:01. Micah Stewart had a habit of calling me twenty minutes early, or twenty minutes late. Also, if you're wondering, it's always twenty minutes. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. I always check if he's actually on time, but he pretty much never is. There's no harm in checking, though.

I groaned into the computer screen. What did he expect me to do for twenty minutes? I heard the faint noise of my stomach grumbling and suddenly remembered: the ESSR! I practically jumped out my chair and raced back down the stairs. I picked up my prized package, pushed back the oven to its original place, and ran back up the stairs.

I ripped open the ESSR's contents when I got back to my room. I dipped my hand into the packaging and pulled out a yellow, triangle shaped tortilla chip. I stuffed it into my mouth, smiling with satisfaction as the chewed up remains of the chip slid down my esophagus.

While I feasted on my Doritos, I decided to entertain myself by playing a round of Grand Theft Auto (GTA).

"Get out of the way, dude," I commented. "I need to steal your car."

"Oh, you're not going to move, I see... Well, feel the wrath of my new machete!"

All that remained on my screen were the bloody remains of the computer generated person smeared all over my new car.

I only managed to blow up a few more cars by the time that I heard a soft ringing coming from the computer. I smiled to myself, knowing that I could tease Micah about being late to the call. I closed the game tab and opened up my group call.

"Hello, who is this?" Asked a voice that seemed to be coming from the screen. "How did you get my number?"

"It's me, you dummy. Who else would it be?" I shouted at him. "Where're your parents, Mike?"

Micah's face appeared on the screen. "Not here. Had to go run errands. Hopefully, they won't be back for another hour or two. Where're your parents?"

"They're not home. I don't know where they are, and I don't really care to know, either."

"Great," Micah said, smiling. "I just stole the new Call of Duty game from the store down the street. It's the World War II edition, featuring Nazi zombies and other cool stuff. Wanna come over to my place and give it a try?"

"Sure," I said. Fighting Nazi zombies did sound fun. "What time?"

"Now's okay. See you then!" Micah shut off the group chat.

I also closed my computer, then scrambled down the stairs. I grabbed my jacket off of the coat rack, then picked up the house keys and slammed the front door behind me. I walked towards my garage, stopping only to open the gate to my backyard. I pulled my scooter out from behind a bush, then gunned the motor, and jumped onto the seat.

I sped down the street, the houses of my perfect suburbia blurring into a single, indifferent, shade of beige. I was way passed the speed limit, but at the moment, I didn't care. My stomach felt as if it was in my throat, and for a moment I felt as if I could just let go of the handlebars and soar over the towering spires of the city.

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