Chapter 8

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Sleep was no longer something that came easy to MacCready. Holed up in the same room as other Brotherhood goons, it was most certainly not the sort of situation he would like to be in. Regardless, right now he wanted a cigarette; any excuse for an escape no matter how temporary the solution.

He quietly made his way to the rooftop, gripped in his hands were his cigarettes and a lighter he picked up by one of the beds. If they didn't want it stolen then the owner shouldn't have left it lying around.

He crept around in the dark, not wanting to disturb anyone who may be sleeping, and opened the door cautiously to the buildings' helipad. He stepped outside, the cool night air refreshing him, and then promptly lit up his smokes.

A slow exhale through his nostrils, and MacCready allowed himself to relax as he leaned up on the wall behind him. A small sound alerted him however, and he quickly scouted his surroundings for the source of the sound. Something caught his peripheral vision, a small green glow, and upon closer inspection he could see Dawn sitting on the edge of the building, her face engrossed with the Pip-Boy on her wrist.

She clicked wildly on the device, her bottom lip worried between her teeth as she focused on the screen, but another beep resounded and she made an exasperated sigh in defeat.

"Stupid little..." She mumbled as she busied herself with it once more, her clicking a lot more aggressive than before. MacCready slowly walked up to her and peered over her shoulder, watching the screen on her Pip-Boy as she carried on what she was doing.

Zeta Invaders?

"I guess you couldn't sleep either," she breathed as she twisted her head to face him, now giving up on the game. Game Over flashed in green, followed by Dawn's score. She patted the space next to her, and MacCready obliged as he sat down and dangled his legs over the edge. He heard her click away as she restarted the game, and MacCready puffed away on his cigarette in silence. Another curse escaped from her lips, and he knew that it was game over once again when her shoulders slumped a little lower.

Suddenly the Pip-Boy was removed from her wrist, and she promptly handed it over to the mercenary.

"Here," she said encouragingly. "It's been driving me nuts."

MacCready took it carefully, unsure of which button or dial to activate. "Thanks," he said through puffs. He turned it around in his hands. "Never worked one of these before, how do I make it start?"

"I'll show you," she said as she reached over him. Her hands worked its way around his wrist, her skin soft and warm against his, and she quickly attached the device to his arm. The screen illuminated instantly, and the start screen for Zeta Invaders flashed before him. Dawn scooted herself closer, leaning up against him as she showed him which button did what.

She scooted back, giving MacCready space as he had his turn with the game. It was addictive, and it was fun, and not before long he managed to beat Dawn's high score.

"Easy," he said as he removed the device and gave it back to her. She took it back with a smirk, one brow raised higher than the other when she clicked it back to her wrist. "Got any other games on that thing?"

"I only have the two," she shrugged. "This and Red Menace."

He flicked his cigarette off the building, watching the orange glow fall to the ground before snuffing out on impact. "I overheard one of the soldiers yesterday," he took off his hat to run a hand through his hair, fluffing it back before fixing his hat back on. "They said you'll be leaving tomorrow with Paladin tin can."

She stifled a laugh with her sleeve, her eyes glinting with mirth. "Don't let anyone else hear that," she said through giggles, but a faraway look returned to her once the laughter died down. "How did I get myself into this mess, MacCready?"

Crossfire - Fallout 4 - [R J MacCready x Sole Survivor]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें