Killer Love (Sniper x oc)

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It was early in the morning and Assassin got up to find that she was in the back of Sniper's van. She began to wonder what she was doing in there. Oh that's right, she was on her way to the next battle field with Sniper. She stretches and yawns.

"Mornin' sleeping beauty." She heard Sniper say.

"Mornin' Snipey." She answered. She once called him 'Snipey' on accident and then it kinda caught on. "Where we goin' again?"

"Next base."

"Why are we going this early? We have all day to get there. And where is my motorcycle?"

"I come early 'cause I like practicin' before the game starts. 'N your bike is on the top."

"Oh......" She relaxes in her seat again. "Random question, have you ever been married?"

Sniper is silent for a moment, thinking about the question before he actually answers. "What's it to ya?"

"Just wondering. You seem like you'd make a pretty good family man. Aside from the whole assassin killy thingy."

Another long pause. "No. I've been alone my whole life. Mos' girls don't want a killer as a husband. Let alone an assassin."

She takes the words in then answers as casually as she can. "I actually wouldn't mind a guy like that. Actually, I'm not so I would mind at all. I've always wanted a guy like that. Not saying I'm in love with you or anything."

"So I see." He replied as casually as he could. For a long time the ride was spent in silence. Until the base was seen in the distance.

"That must be it over there." Assassin exclaimed as she pointed at it.

"Yup, that's it aw right." Sniper parked his van in an old shack and grabbed his gun duffle.

Assassin did the same. They both got out of the car and started setting up a practice course together. They put out objects that they could use as opponents and then got into their positions. "Goo' luck sheila."

"And to you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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